Now showing items 1-10 of 13
Risk and Responsibility: Insider and Outsider Media Representations of the 2014 Ebola Outbreak
In the wake of global infectious disease outbreaks such as SARS, scholars have acknowledged the growing role of media during public health emergencies. Lacking, however, is a discussion on how media perspectives vary ...
Grounded or ‘Shaky’: How Mobilizations of Expert Knowledge Affect Legal Outcomes in Shaken Baby Syndrome Cases
This project examines how expert witnesses affect legal outcomes in shaken baby syndrome (SBS) cases. The connection between shaking and intra-cranial injury in infants is heavily debated within the medical community. This ...
Nova Scotian Roots: Teaching Cultural Imperialism through Music Education
The colonial history of Nova Scotia is a complex web of power, violence, and displacement that is often not acknowledged at an institutional level. The impact of this history has left a permanent imprint on the social and ...
Picturing Halifax: Young Immigrant Women and the Social Construction of Urban Space
This study explores the social construction of space in the lives of young immigrant women. Drawing upon data from photo-elicitation interviews, I analyze how young women who recently immigrated to Canada interpret and ...
“Oh, he’s gay!” The Perception of Gay Men of their Portrayal in Television and Film
Currently, there is little research on the perception of gay men of their portrayals
on television and in film. Thus far, literature on such portrayals on the small and silver
screens has taken a general survey of men ...
Smudging and Concrete: Indigenous Traditional Ways in the City of Halifax
In spite of the increasing importance of urban-Indigenous (urban-Aboriginal) issues in Canada, very little is known about these topics in relation to Atlantic Canadian urban centers. Urban-Indigenous peoples are the fastest ...
“We are not ghosts in waiting”: How atheists cope with death
Death is not only experienced on a personal and psychological level, but it is also experienced as a rift in social life. Robert Hertz (1960) found that funerals, burials, and mourning made death the “object of a collective ...
Friendship Through the Ages: A Technological Perspective
Friendship is a socially constructed phenomenon that is part of the everyday lives of human beings. Its practices have been researched for many years by sociologists and social anthropologists. The use of digital communication ...
Dying Professions: Exploring Emotion Management Among Doctors and Funeral Directors
There are few more emotive experiences in life than death. Drawing on Arlie Hochschild’s concept of emotional labour, this study compares the emotional responsibilities of two groups of death professionals: doctors and ...
Power, Discipline, and Dis/comfort: Indigenizing University Curricula
Since the Truth and Reconciliation Commission issued its Calls to Action in 2015, Canadian universities have emphasized the importance of inclusivity and diversity and set strategic goals to incorporate Indigenous perspectives ...