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A Lighting Audit in the SUB: What a Bright Idea




Crowell, David
George, Simon
Cayer, Luc
Saunders, Llewelyn
Jordan, Robert

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A group of five students participated in a group project for the class of ENVS 3502, taught by Tarah Wright at Dalhousie University. We focused on the feasibility of reducing Dalhousie’s energy consumption by evaluating current lighting practices and looking for areas of improvement. The research took place between January 10th and March 31st 2004. Due to time constraints we were only able to focus on one building; we chose the Student Union Building (SUB). Our research led us to the formation of several recommendations that, if implemented, will reduce the SUB’s energy expenditures allocated to lighting and will therefore reduce the demand for power that is generated in a predominantly environmentally unsustainable way.


ENVS 3502 Environmental Problem Solving II: The Campus as a Living Laboratory Final Report

