Greening New Heights – A Feasibility Analysis of a Green Roof on the Life Sciences Center
Blok, Kayla
Hutt, James
Inglis, Sally
Saunders, Leslie
Wainwright, Hillary
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The purpose of this investigation was to conduct a feasibility analysis on implementing a green roof on the Life Sciences Centre (LSC) at Dalhousie University. The different types of green roofs, intensive and extensive, as well as plant species that would benefit a green roof in this climate were examined. The methods used consisted of non-probabilistic snowball sampling to contact knowledgeable people in this subject matter, document analysis for background information, a literature review and a feasibility analysis. Throughout our investigation it was discussed that a green roof on the LSC would be beneficial, but the size of our plot chosen for this project is not large enough to create a significant impact. It would decrease energy cost by $13.83 a year, based on similar green roofs energy savings. Beyond this there are numerous other indirect benefits that will be discussed further on, such as doubling the life span of the roof. Some of these benefits cannot be quantified and therefore is concluded that this research could be a starting point for further implementation of green roofs on the Life Sciences Centre or other older buildings on campus. It is recommended that further research be conducted into the addition of green roofs on the Dalhousie campus and the greater Halifax community.
ENVS 3502 Environmental Problem Solving II: The Campus as a Living Laboratory Final Report