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Is the Green Lab program really that Green? An Analysis of Sustainable Laboratory Programs at Dalhousie University




Brenan, Catherine
Martell, Andrew
Milito, Elena
Taaffe, Quinn

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Within many university laboratories, waste and inefficient use of resources is garnering greater attention as a part of efforts to create a more sustainable campus. One way universities are taking action is by implementing a Green Lab Program, which helps laboratories reduce their environmental footprint while maintaining high-quality research and safety. Survey studies have investigated the effectiveness of green lab programs, yet none have examined these programs at a Canadian university. In this study, we bridged this gap by analyzing the effectiveness of the Green Lab Program in terms of awareness of energy efficiency, waste diversion, and resource efficiency at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. We conducted an online survey directed toward Dalhousie science lab members on the Studley campus. Through the surveys, we determined that many lab members are unaware of the Green Lab Program, with only 7% registered. The participants enrolled in the program found that they saw an improvement in sustainability in their labs. Participants that did not register wanted to participate in the Green Lab Program but felt that the university was not providing them with sufficient awareness and financial incentives. In all, lab members see sustainability as essential, but it is up to the university to push environmentally friendly practices through improving infrastructure, education, and financial support. Our research can inform the Dalhousie Office of Sustainability of potential modifications that could improve the program’s effectiveness and encourage further participation in the development and progression of the program. It also builds awareness of the Green Lab program and evaluates its effectiveness and shortcomings at Dalhousie University on Studley Campus.


Environmental Problem Solving II: The Campus as a Living Laboratory Final Project

