Now showing items 1-20 of 21

  • Addictions and impulse-control disorders as occupation: A selected literature review and synthesis 

    Kiepek, N., & Magalhaes, L. (2011, July). Addictions and impulse-control disorders as occupation: A selected literature review and synthesis. Journal of Occupational Science, 18(3), 254-276. doi: 10.1080/14427591.2011.581628
    Objective. The question addressed in this paper is: “Are activities that are classified as ‘addictions’ and ‘impulse-control disorders’ occupations?” Background. Current conceptualisations of occupation focus on positive ...
  • HIV and disability: a pilot study exploring the use of the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills to measure daily life performance 

    Merritt, Brenda, Jacqueline Gahagan, and Anders Kottorp. 2013. "HIV and disability: a pilot study exploring the use of the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills to measure daily life performance." Journal of the International Aids Society 16: 17339-17339.
    Introduction: Limitations in performing activities of daily living (ADL) are important indicators of health and overall wellness, yet relatively few studies specifically identify the ADL abilities of people living with ...
  • The everyday experience of living with and managing a neurological condition (the LINC study): study design 

    Versnel, Joan, Tanya Packer, Lori E. Weeks, Jocelyn Brown, et al. 2013. "The everyday experience of living with and managing a neurological condition (the LINC study): study design." Bmc Neurology 13: 30-30.
    Background: The impact of neurological conditions on individuals, families and society is increasing and having a significant economic impact in Canada. While some economic data is known, the human costs of living with a ...
  • The everyday experience of living with and managing a neurological condition (the LINC study): study design 

    Versnel, Joan, Tanya Packer, Lori E. Weeks, Jocelyn Brown, et al. 2013. "The everyday experience of living with and managing a neurological condition (the LINC study): study design." Bmc Neurology 13: 30-30.
    Background: The impact of neurological conditions on individuals, families and society is increasing and having a significant economic impact in Canada. While some economic data is known, the human costs of living with a ...
  • The everyday experience of living with and managing a neurological condition (the LINC study): Study design 

    Versnel, Joan, Tanya Packer, Lori E. Weeks, Jocelyn Brown, et al. 2013. "The everyday experience of living with and managing a neurological condition (the LINC study): Study design." BMC Neurology 13.
  • Use of substances among professionals and students of professional programs: A review of the literature 

    Kiepek, N., & Baron, J.-L. (2017, Sept). Use of substances among professionals and students of professional programs: A review of the literature. Drugs: Education, Intervention, and Policy, 26(1), 1-26. doi: 10.1080/09687637.2017.1375080
    Background and aims: This literature review investigates the scope of information regarding selfreported substance use by professionals and students in professional programs, with a focus on anticipated and actual effects ...
  • Substance use and professional identity 

    Kiepek, N. & Beagan, B. (2018, Jan). Substance use and professional identity. Contemporary Drug Problems, 45(1), 47-66. doi: 10.1177/0091450917748982
    Processes of professional socialization influence types of substances used, patterns of use, and estimation of normalization. This project explores psychoactive substance use among professionals and students in professional ...
  • A pilot study to explore the effects of substances on cognition, mood, performance, and experience of daily activities 

    Kiepek, N., Beagan, B., & Harris, J. (2018, Mar). A pilot study to explore the effects of substances on cognition, mood, performance, and experience of daily activities. Performance Enhancement and Health, 6(1), 3-11. doi: 10.1016/j.peh.2018.02.003
    Methods: A mixed methods design was implemented, involving ecological momentary assessment (EMA)and interviews. The analysis presents interpretations about the perceived impact of substance use on the performance and ...
  • Ecological momentary assessment: Enriching knowledge of occupation using App-based research methodology 

    Kiepek, N. (2018, June). Ecological momentary assessment: Enriching knowledge of occupation using App-based research methodology. Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 6(3), 1-10. doi: 10.15453/2168-6408.1425
    This paper introduces occupational therapists to ecological momentary assessment (EMA) and outlines factors that guide the process of designing a project. EMA methodology is a research methodology that uses electronic ...
  • Substance use by social workers and implications for professional regulation 

    Kiepek, N., Harris, J., Beagan, B., & Buchanan, M. (2019, June). Substance use by social workers and implications for professional regulation. Drugs and Alcohol Today, 19(2), 147-159. doi: 10.1108/DAT-08-2018-0040
    Purpose. This study explores the prevalence and patterns of substance use among Canadian social workers. Legalisation of cannabis is forthcoming in Canada in 2018 and it is anticipated that professional regulatory bodies ...
  • Methamphetamine use among gay men: An interpretive review of a non-sanctioned occupation 

    Gish, A. Kiepek, N., & Beagan, B. (2019, July). Methamphetamine use among gay men: An interpretive review of a non-sanctioned occupation. Journal of Occupational Science, 27(1), 26-38. doi: 10.1080/14427591.2019.1643398
    Introduction. Attending to the nuanced meanings of non-sanctioned occupations holds the potential to better grasp the influences of occupational contexts at multiple levels. This interpretive review of the literature ...
  • Silences around occupations framed as unhealthy, illegal, and deviant 

    Kiepek, N., Beagan, B., Laliberte Rudman, D. & Phelan, S. (2019, July). Silences around occupations framed as unhealthy, illegal, and deviant. Journal of Occupational Science, 26(3), 341-353. doi: 10.1080/14427591.2018.1499123 (available online 27 Jul 2018)
    Occupational science has made tremendous strides in establishing a theoretical and empirical knowledge base grounded in the study of occupation. Yet given its origins in occupational therapy, a health profession aimed at ...
  • Seeking legitimacy for broad understandings of substance use 

    Kiepek, N., Van de Ven, K., Forlini, C., & Dunn, M. (2019, July). Seeking legitimacy for broad understandings of substance use. International Journal of Drug Policy, 73, 58-63. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2019.07.014
    This commentary invites discussion about implicit and explicit factors that impede research about substance use from a nuanced perspective that recognises potential benefits and advantages. It is argued that explicit efforts ...
  • Enhancing occupation through use of substances: A critical interpretative synthesis 

    Kiepek, N., Beagan, B., & Phelan, S. (2019, Nov). Enhancing occupation through use of substances: A critical interpretative synthesis. Cadernos Brasileiros de Terapia Ocupacional/ Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 27(4), 843-857. doi: 10.4322/2526-8910.ctoar1926
    Introduction. Substance use, as an occupation, is typically portrayed as problematic and the target of occupational therapy intervention and remediation. At the same time, psychoactive substances may be used to enhance ...
  • Patient-oriiented research best practice recommendations 

    Kiepek, N., Freemantle, S., Quaid, K., Jones-Bonofiglio, K., & Byerley-Vita, M. (2020, March). Best practice recommendations for patient oriented research in Northwestern Ontario.
  • Innocent observers? Discursive choices and the construction of “occupation” 

    Kiepek, N. (2020). Innocent observers? Discursive choices and the construction of “occupation.” Journal of Occupational Science. doi: 10.1080/14427591.2020.1799847
    As scholars engaged in processes of knowledge production and knowledge sharing, occupational scientists are afforded a degree of social privilege, authority, and legitimacy and are therefore accountable for the ways in ...
  • The exclusionary effects of inclusion today: (Re)production of disability in inclusive education settings 

    Reeves, P., Ng, S., Harris, M., & Phelan, S.K. (2020). The exclusionary effects of inclusion today: (Re)production of disability in inclusive education settings. Disability & Society, Advance Online, 1-25. DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2020.1828042.
    Current inclusive education practices remain entrenched in deficit-oriented discourses. An interrogation of these discourses is necessary to enact inclusion driven by diversity and collective belonging. This collective ...
  • Exploring care of hospital inpatients with substance involvement 

    Kiepek, N., Jones-Bonofiglio, K., Freemantle, S., Byerley-Vita, M., Quaid, K. (2021). Exploring care of hospital inpatients with substance involvement. Social Science and Medicine.
    INTRODUCTION: This article presents demographic and care factors related to persons who are substance-involved and require inpatient administration of intravenous antibiotics. PURPOSE: This study was conducted to explore ...
  • (Re)Imagining inclusion in ways that foster belonging in the lives of disabled children and youth 

    Phelan, S.K. & Reeves, P. (2021). (Re)Imagining inclusion in ways that foster belonging in the lives of disabled children and youth. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, Advance Online, 1-2.
    For the greater part of the twentieth century, thanks in part to disability rights movements around the world, disableda children and youth have increasingly been afforded access to community spaces, such as schools and ...
  • Equitable access to inclusive early learning and childcare for children with disabilities: The family experience 

    Phelan, S., Diggins, C., Ausman, C., Vardy, L., McConnell, D., & Moore, S. (2022). Equitable access to inclusive early learning and childcare for children with disabilities: The family experience. Submitted to Employment Social Development Canada, Government of Canada. Full Report.
    Families of children with disabilities have endured a long history of inequitable access to inclusive early learning and childcare programs due to financial, institutional, sociocultural, and discriminatory barriers. When ...