Now showing items 1-3 of 3

  • Aerosol composition and sources in the central Arctic Ocean during ASCOS 

    Chang, R. Y. -W; Leck, C.; Graus, M.; Mueller, M.; Paatero, J.; Burkhart, J. F.; Stohl, A.; Orr, L. H.; Hayden, K.; Li, S. -M; Hansel, A.; Tjernstrom, M.; Leaitch, W. R.; Abbatt, J. P. D. (2011)
    Measurements of submicron aerosol chemical composition were made over the central Arctic Ocean from 5 August to 8 September 2008 as a part of the Arctic Summer Cloud Ocean Study (ASCOS) using an aerosol mass spectrometer ...
  • Closure between measured and modeled cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) using size-resolved aerosol compositions in downtown Toronto 

    Broekhuizen, K.; Chang, R. Y. -W; Leaitch, W. R.; Li, S. -M; Abbatt, J. P. D. (2006-06)
    Measurements of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) were made in downtown Toronto during August and September, 2003. CCN measurements were performed at 0.58% supersaturation using a thermal-gradient diffusion chamber, whereas ...
  • Particle formation and growth at five rural and urban sites 

    Jeong, C-H; Evans, G. J.; McGuire, M. L.; Chang, R. Y-W; Abbatt, J. P. D.; Zeromskiene, K.; Mozurkewich, M.; Li, S. -M; Leaitch, Andw R. (2010)
    Ultrafine particle (UFP) number and size distributions were simultaneously measured at five urban and rural sites during the summer of 2007 in Ontario, Canada as part of the Border Air Quality and Meteorology Study ...