Now showing items 1-2 of 2

  • Aerosol composition and sources in the central Arctic Ocean during ASCOS 

    Chang, R. Y. -W; Leck, C.; Graus, M.; Mueller, M.; Paatero, J.; Burkhart, J. F.; Stohl, A.; Orr, L. H.; Hayden, K.; Li, S. -M; Hansel, A.; Tjernstrom, M.; Leaitch, W. R.; Abbatt, J. P. D. (2011)
    Measurements of submicron aerosol chemical composition were made over the central Arctic Ocean from 5 August to 8 September 2008 as a part of the Arctic Summer Cloud Ocean Study (ASCOS) using an aerosol mass spectrometer ...
  • Photochemical processing of organic aerosol at nearby continental sites: contrast between urban plumes and regional aerosol 

    Slowik, J. G.; Brook, J.; Chang, R. Y-W; Evans, G. J.; Hayden, K.; Jeong, C-H; Li, S-M; Liggio, J.; Liu, P. S. K.; McGuire, M.; Mihele, C.; Sjostedt, S.; Vlasenko, A.; Abbatt, J. P. D. (2011)
    As part of the BAQS-Met 2007 field campaign, Aerodyne time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometers (ToF-AMS) were deployed at two sites in southwestern Ontario from 17 June to 11 July 2007. One instrument was located at ...