Now showing items 1-1 of 1

  • Using [CI] to probe the Interstellar Medium in z~2.5 Sub-Millimeter Galaxies 

    Alaghband-Zadeh, S.; Chapman, S. C.; Swinbank, A. M.; Smail, Ian; Danielson, A. L. R.; Decarli, R.; Ivison, R. J.; Meijerink, R.; Weiss, A.; van der Werf, Paul P. (2013-07-24)
    We present new [CI](1-0) and 12CO(4-3) Plateau de Bure Interferometer observations of five Sub-Millimeter Galaxies (SMGs) and combine these with all available [CI](1-0) literature detections in SMGs to probe the gas ...