NSIS Volume 30 - Part 3/4
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/10222/14001
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Item Open Access Table of contents (v. 30, p. 3/4)(2011-08-15) NSIS Project 2011Item Open Access Proceedings of meetings: Session of 1979-1980(Dalhousie Printing Centre, 1980) Nova Scotian Institute of ScienceItem Open Access First Nova Scotian and second Canadian record of Atlantic fanfish, Pterycombus brama fries, 1837 (Bramidae)(Dalhousie Printing Centre, 1980) Gilhen, John; McAllister, Donald Evan,1934-Item Open Access First record of female gametophytes of Bonnemaisonia hamifera hariot (Rhodophyta, nemaliales) in Nova Scotia(Dalhousie Printing Centre, 1980) Nova Scotian Institute of Science; Bird, Carolyn J.Item Open Access Studies on the taxonomy and distribution of Sphagnum. VIII. Rediscovery of Sphagnum macrophyllum var. Burinense(Dalhousie Printing Centre, 1980) Nova Scotian Institute of Science; Maass, W.S.G.Item Open Access Responses of the ostrich fern, Matteuccia struthiopteris (L.) todaro, to lime, soil moisture, and irradiance(Dalhousie Printing Centre, 1980) Nova Scotian Institute of Science; Prange, R.K.Item Open Access The local occurence of Agarum cribrosum in relation to the presence of absence of its competitors and predators(Dalhousie Printing Centre, 1980) Nova Scotian Institute of Science; Tremblay, C.; Chapman, A.R.O.Item Open Access Towards an energy balance sheet for the Nova Scotian agricultural food system(Dalhousie Printing Centre, 1980) Nova Scotian Institute of Science; Hayes, Frederick Ronald; Travers, L.Item Open Access Ovine ill-thrift in Nova Scotia. 6. Quantitative description of the fungal flora of soils of permanent pasture(Dalhousie Printing Centre, 1980) Nova Scotian Institute of Science; Taylor, A.; Brewer, D.Item Open Access Epizoites on Cancer irroratus Say from the Gulf of St. Lawrence(Dalhousie Printing Centre, 1980) Nova Scotian Institute of Science; Colodey, A.G.; Stasko, A.B.; Bleakney, J. Sherman