Now showing items 261-280 of 386

  • Passionnément, à  la folie...: Lecteurs et modes de lecture du roman d'amour contemporain 

    Olivier, Severine (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2005)
    Underestimated even among paraliterary genres, the love novel is often met with rejection and scorn The criticism it attracts can certainly be explained in part by the unscrupulous methods used by specialized publishing ...
  • Le Cyberspace opera, ou le Web à  l'oeuvre 

    Pons, Christian-Marie (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2005)
    Le critiche rivolte al romanzo d'amore sembrano anch'esse talvolta prive di basi sufficientemente solide. Che sia leggibile e prevedibile è fuori dubbio, ma ciò non esclude l'utilizzo di tecniche di suspense per mantenere ...
  • De l'influence de la diffusion sur la presse à  grand tirage (1852-1914): Le Petit Journal, Le Petit Parisien, Le Matin et Le Journal 

    Taveaux-Grandpierre, Karine (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2005)
    This article examines the changes that have occurred in newspaper distribution in France towards the middle of the nineteenth century, and their influence on the press itself and on the literature of the time. These changes ...
  • O Barba Azul : Edições Infantis, Versões Orais e Folheto Nordestino 

    Guimaraes, Rosangela Maria Oliveira (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2005)
    The article "O Barba Azul: edições infantis, versões orais e folheto nordestino" (Bluebeard : children's editions, oral versions and popular versions from the North-East) examines a series of oral versions of this particular ...
  • La Vocation de la photographie amateur: Hambourg (1893-1900) 

    Joschke, Christian (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2005)
    This article discusses the development of amateur photography in the last decade of the nineteenth century. It focuses particularly on the activities of amateur clubs in Hamburg. The author explores matters of cultural ...
  • Médiagénie et réflexivité, médiativité et imaginaire: Comment s'incarnent les fables 

    Groensteen, Thierry (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2005)
    This article deals with the concept of « médiagénie » (proposed by Philippe Marion starting in 1991) and its uses, as well as that of « médiativité ». Through various examples drawn mostly from the field of comic books, ...
  • Persepolis et les révolutions de Marjane Satrapi 

    Carrier, Melanie (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2004)
    This article examines some of the autorepresentational strategies in Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis. The first section deals with the generic aspect of the tale and the institutional and cultural position of its autobiographical ...
  • Bande dessinée et trifonctionnalité 

    Corbellari, Alain (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2004)
    The "théorie trifonctionnelle" of Georges Dumézil identified the foundations of the structures of groups of characters in ancient Indo-European literature. This article starts from an intuition by Joël Grisward, one of ...
  • La bande dessinée historique : une source possible pour l'historien. L'exemple de la collection Vécu (1985-2002) 

    Rosemberg, Julien (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2004)
    The Glénat Editions were created in 1969 and have since become one of the greatest publishers of bandes dessinées in France. In the early 80s this publisher took advantage of a favourable context to create a series of ...
  • Transgressive Bodies in the Work of Julie Doucet, Fabrice Neaud and Jean-Christophe Menu: Towards a Theory of the 'AutobioBD' 

    Miller, Ann; Pratt, Murray (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2004)
    This paper draws on the autobiographical work of bande dessinée artists Fabrice Neaud, Julie Doucet and Jean-Christophe Menu with the aim of investigating the potential of the medium to disturb the normative visual order ...
  • The Translation's Visibility: David B.'s L'Ascension du Haut Mal in Italy 

    Rota, Valerio (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2004)
    Comics are published all over the world in different formats, which peculiarly characterize each national production. Translating a comic, then, means to cope with cultural aspects: how can a French album, that is a ...
  • Imperialism in Asterix 

    Clark, Andrew (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2004)
    The Asterix books, having been written over a long period of time, have reflected a number of contemporary concerns which were relevant at the time of composition - some of which are still relevant today. One of these ...
  • Le Portrait d'Edmond Baudoin: Réflexions sur l'efficacité d'une oeuvre à  saisir la vie 

    Martin, Annabelle (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2004)
  • Keeping an Eye on Things: Attention, Tracking and Coherence-Building 

    Bridgeman, Teresa (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2004)
    Much has been written about the way in which narrative sequences operate in BD, not least by Eisner, and McCloud. Such approaches, despite their subtleties, presuppose a model of narrative in which actions or events are ...
  • Gotlib's Progress 

    Screech, Matthew (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2004)
    This article traces the evolution of the French bande dessinée artist Marcel Gotlib (b. 1934). It draws upon strips from throughout his career, as well as upon an interview he gave me. As we shall see, Gotlib humorously ...
  • Autobiographie et bandes dessinées : Problèmes, enjeux, exemples 

    Baetens, Jan (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2004)
    This reflection on the autobiographical dimension of contemporary "bande dessinée" will examine a certain number of general questions, including: Does the present tendency to autobiography in "bande dessinée" constitute ...
  • Autobiography in Early Bande dessinée 

    Grove, Laurence (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2004)
    Canonical literary autobiographies such as those of Rousseau, Gide or Sartre, provide an individualised and ambiguous introspective that points to intricate universal traits. Nothing could seem further from the stock ...
  • Redire, refigurer: Traces et cicatrices dans Hunors 

    Sohet, Phillippe; Nguyen, Nhu-Hoa (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2004)
    Throughout a career that covers a variety of narrative forms, Chantal Montellier's focus remains the same. Many of her albums bear the marks of personal suffering from social violence inflicted upon the poor, the weak and ...
  • The Dragon Lady's Well Favored Children: The Transition from Corporatist to Individualist in Comic Strips of 1930s 

    Tucker, Michael (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2004)
    In the 1930s the heroes of American comic strips underwent a significant transformation. Beginning as clowns or as personifications of the values of social elites, comic strip heroes were after 1929 increasingly alienated ...
  • Horreur des villes maudites dans l'oeuvre de H. P. Lovecraft 

    Sayer, Frederic (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2004)
    Howard Phillips Lovecraft is forever weaving the same spider-web, in which both his hero and his readers invariably get caught. The real curse of his ancient cities (R'lyeh, Innsmouth, Arkham, Marblehead, Kingsport, Dunwich ...