Now showing items 241-260 of 386

  • Le Capitaine Haddock, ou l'irruption de l'humanité dans Les Aventures de Tintin 

    Wanegffelen, Thierry (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2006)
    Did Captain Haddock's arrival on the scene slowly change the status of Tintin's adventures? In Les Bijoux de la Castafiore and Tintin et les Picaros, the sidekick steps up to the front row, likely because it's easier for ...
  • Quand le cow boy n'est plus solitaire: Profil et fonction diégétique de la partenaire féminine dans quelques séries policières de la télévision: Rick Hunter, Law and Order: Criminal Intent et Crime Scene Investigation 

    Montemont, Veronique (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2006)
    This article deals with a specific relation within TV productions: that between the principal investigator and his assistant in detective serials. This grouping of two characters often of the opposite sex offers an interesting ...
  • Vero bohémien d'istinti randagi 

    Leonardi, Ruggero (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2006)
    Wealth, in its economic sense, was a stranger to Emilio Salgari. The author himself gave us a kind of self-portrait in his novel La bohème italiana, as a character who lives his life according to the dictates of the ...
  • Scene di fanatismo in alcuni romanzi salgariani 

    Bisanti, Armando (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2006)
    Scenes of religious or superstitious fanaticism are quite common in Salgari's novels. Such events are given particular attention throughout his work and make the object of detailed and lively descriptions. The novelist ...
  • Dalle appendici al libro: Su Salgari scrittore d'avventura 

    Visioli, Ivan (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2006)
    Emilio Salgari originally started off writing for the daily press. No less than five of his novels were published first in daily instalments in various newspapers. These original versions, which have been reprinted only ...
  • L'Italia e gli Italiani nelle opere di Emilio 

    D'Angelo, Corinne (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2006)
    This article explores Salgari's considerable opus to identify the more properly "Italian" aspects the novelist has included in his yarns. Even though he is known for the exotic locales of his novels, Salgari does not forget ...
  • L'India di Salgari: Trucchi ed espedienti di un maestro dell'avventura 

    Belli, Livio (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2006)
    A question many of Salgari's readers have asked themselves, myself included, is how a writer who never actually left Italy can have managed to describe with such amazing effectiveness so many different exotic locales, so ...
  • I conti in tasca a Salgari 

    Farina, Corrado (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2006)
    This article examines Salgari’s earnings and the expenses he incurred, comparing him to contemporary best-selling authors.
  • Brevi note su povertà  e ricchezza di Karl May, il Salgari tedesco 

    Heuer, Klaus-Peter (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2006)
    Karl May was born in utter poverty and spent some extremely difficult years in his youth, even ending up in jail. His talent, however, allowed him to escape this situation. His adventure novels earned him a fortune. Upon ...
  • Tante avventure, tante ristampe... ma non tanti soldi!! 

    Pozzo, Felice (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2006)
    Emilio Salgari was, notoriously, a slave of the pen. He sold the rights to his early works for ridiculously low amounts of money, and afterwards signed contracts that give him a kind of fixed income in exchange for a certain ...
  • Ciò che mi ha dato Salgari 

    Paliotti, Oreste (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2006)
    This article offers some thoughts on the recent revival of interest in Salgari's work. It focuses on the novelist's poetic universe and on his "recipes" to save reality from banality. It is essentially a personal reflection ...
  • Quand la science-fiction précède la science : La Conception de l'histoire d'Isaac Asimov dans Fondation 

    Grimoult, Cedric (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2005)
    In the initial Foundation trilogy (1941-1953), Isaac Asimov adopts a probability-based view of human history, resulting from accidental events brought together by the selective pressure of diverse socio-cultural factors. ...
  • Dino Battaglia et Rabelais : Dialogues de l'écriture et de la bande dessinée 

    Nicaise-Oudart, Val (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2005)
    Dino Battaglia has adapted quite a number of literary works to comics, one of them being Rabelais' opus, which was published in French by Mosquito (EDITIONS MOSQUITO 1ter, rue des Sablons 38120 Saint-Egrève, mosquito.edi ...
  • Sens dessus dessous: Lecture sémiolinguistique de l'espace dans l'oeuvre d'Edgar P. Jacobs 

    Freyermuth, Sylvie (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2005)
  • Douceur du conflit: Commentaire stylistique d'une planche de Michel Greg 

    Tourrette, Eric (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2005)
    This article attempts a stylistic analysis of the dialogue between two aristocrats in a story of Achille Talon (entitled « si tu hais, vite le gant d'ire, hâtons ! », album Achille Talon au pouvoir, Mon Oeuvre à moi, t. ...
  • XXIst Century Graphic Novels 

    Le Duc, Dominique (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2005)
    This paper looks at the characteristics that have marked contemporary "bande dessinée" production, focusing on the growing interest of the media and publishing industry, and the stance of comic creators and independent ...
  • 'C'est tout mal fait, pardon': The Rhetoric of Politics in Pierre La Police's Comics 

    Leroy, Fabrice (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2005)
    This article examines rhetorical strategies of nonsensical political humor in Pierre La Police's Véridique! comics. Applying the Groupe µ's theoretical principles, which posit that various deviations from a standard semantic ...
  • I'm Not Scared' ...: I'm Marketable 

    Cristiano, Anthony (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2005)
    This article is a critical assessment of Niccolò Ammaniti's novel and Gabriele Salvatores' homonymous film I'm not scared in their attempt at portraying the point of view of a child within an Italian family at the end of ...
  • ... Car la voie droite était perdue': Les Terres creuses de Luc et François Schuiten, ou les Cercles labyrinthiques 

    Thibault, Franck (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2005)
    Within the trilogy entitled Les Terres creuses, the symbol of the circle plays a central role. It evokes at the same time unity and multiplicity, as well as reflection, the tricks mirrors play, as well as the vicious circle ...
  • The Crime Fiction Canada Project 

    Sloniowski, Jeannette; Rose, Marilyn (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2005)