Now showing items 1-20 of 235

  • Activation and Deprotection of F-BODIPYs using Boron Trihalides 

    Lundrigan, Travis, Cameron, T. Stanley, Thompson, Alison. (2014). Activation and deprotection of F-BODIPYs using boron trihalides. Chemical Communications, 50(53), 7028-7031. DOI: 10.1039/C4CC02706J
    The activation of F-BODIPYs with boron trihalides, followed by treatment with a nuclephile, effects facile substitution at boron; using water as the nucleophile promotes deprotective removal of the–BF2 moiety and thereby ...
  • Adsorption of graphene to metal (111) using the exchange-hole dipole moment model 

    Christian, Matthew; Otero de la Roza, Alberto; and Johnson, Erin. (2017). Adsorption of graphene to metal (111) using the exchange-hole dipole moment model. Carbon 124, 531-540.
  • Adsorption of graphene to nickel (111) using the exchange-hole dipole moment model 

    Christian, Matthew; Otero de la Roza, Alberto; and Johnson, Erin. (2017). Adsorption of graphene to nickel (111) using the exchange-hole dipole moment model. Carbon 118, 184-191.
  • All-Dry Synthesis of Single Crystal NMC Cathode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries 

    Lituo Zheng, J. Craig Bennett and M. N. Obrovac. All-Dry Synthesis of Single Crystal NMC Cathode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries. Journal of The Electrochemical Society (2020), 167 (13), 130536.
    Single crystal (SC) cathode materials with a layered structure are considered to be state-of-the-art for lithium ion batteries. However, their production involves many steps and can produce large amounts of wastewater. ...
  • Amorphous carbon nanowires investigated by near-edge-x-ray-absorption-fine-structures 

    Tang, YH, P. Zhang, PS Kim, TK Sham, et al. 2001. "Amorphous carbon nanowires investigated by near-edge-x-ray-absorption-fine-structures." Applied Physics Letters 79(23): 3773-3775.
    No abstract available.
  • Analysis of Density-Functional Errors for Noncovalent Interactions between Charged Molecules 

    A. Otero de la Roza, E. R. Johnson, Analysis of Density-Functional Errors for Non-Covalent Interactions Between Charged Molecules, J. Phys. Chem. A 124, 353-361 (2020)
  • Antimicrobial Activity of Non-natural Prodigiosenes 

    Marchal, E., Uddin, M. I., Smithen, D. A., Hawco, C. L. A., Lanteigne, M., Overy, D. P., ... & Thompson, A. (2013). Antimicrobial activity of non-natural prodigiosenes. Rsc Advances, 3(45), 22967-22971. DOI: 10.1039/c3ra45479g
    Tripyrrolic prodigiosenes, derivatives of the natural product prodigiosin, have been produced via multi-step synthesis beginning with 2-formyl pyrroles bearing various functionalities at the 4-position. Two tin complexes ...
  • Apparatus for dynamical thermal measurements of low-thermal diffusivity particulate materials at subambient temperatures 

    Murashov, VV, and MA White. 1998. "Apparatus for dynamical thermal measurements of low-thermal diffusivity particulate materials at subambient temperatures." Review of Scientific Instruments 69(12): 4198-4204.
    Apparatus for measurement of thermal diffusivity of particulate matter in the temperature range of 10-300 K is described. The basis of the measurement is modulated radial heat flow into a cylindrical sample, with a relatively ...
  • Application of XDM to ionic solids: the importance of dispersion for bulk moduli and crystal geometries 

    A. Otero de la Roza, E. R. Johnson, Application of XDM to ionic solids: the importance of dispersion for bulk moduli and crystal geometries, J. Chem. Phys. 153, 054121 (2020)
  • Asymmetric Dipyrrin and F-BODIPYs Conjugated to Terminal Alkynes and Alkenes 

    Published version: Figliola, C., Robertson, K., Greening, S., & Thompson, A. (2017). Asymmetric Dipyrrin and F-BODIPYs Conjugated to Terminal Alkynes and Alkenes. Journal of Organic Chemistry (June 24, 2017)
  • Asymmetric oxidation of 2-(arylsulfenyl)pyrroles 

    Thompson, Alison, Jose R. Garabatos-Perera, and H. Martin Gillis. 2008. "Asymmetric oxidation of 2-(arylsulfenyl)pyrroles." Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 86(7): 676-681.
    The asymmetric oxidation of prochiral 2-(arylsulfenyl)pyrroles has been investigated. A marked electronic effect within the substrate significantly influenced the degree of enantioselectivity obtained, with very high enantio ...
  • Asymptotic Pairwise Dispersion Corrections Can Describe Layered Materials Accurately 

    A. Otero de la Roza, L. M. LeBlanc, E. R. Johnson, Asymptotic Pairwise Dispersion Corrections Can Describe Layered Materials Accurately, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11, 2298-2302 (2020)
  • Automated SDS depletion for mass spectrometry of intact membrane proteins through transmembrane electrophoresis 

    Kachuk C, Faulkner M, Liu F, Doucette AA. Automated SDS Depletion for Mass Spectrometry of Intact Membrane Proteins though Transmembrane Electrophoresis. J Proteome Res. 2016 Aug 5;15(8):2634-42. doi: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.6b00199. Copyright © 2016 American Chemical Society after peer review.
    Membrane proteins are underrepresented in proteome analysis platforms because of their hydrophobic character, contributing to decreased solubility. Sodium dodecyl sulfate is a favored denaturant in proteomic workflows, ...
  • Automated, low-temperature dielectric relaxation apparatus for measurement of air-sensitive, corrosive, hygroscopic, powdered samples 

    Bessonette, PWR, and MA White. 1999. "Automated, low-temperature dielectric relaxation apparatus for measurement of air-sensitive, corrosive, hygroscopic, powdered samples." Review of Scientific Instruments 70(7): 3113-3114.
    An automated apparatus for dielectric determinations on solid samples was designed to allow cryogenic measurements on air-sensitive, corrosive, hygroscopic, powdered samples, without determination of sample thickness, ...
  • Automated, small sample-size adiabatic calorimeter. 

    Van Oort, Michiel J. M., and Mary Anne White. 1987. "Automated, small sample-size adiabatic calorimeter.." Review of Scientific Instruments 58(7): 1239-1241.
    An automated adiabatic calorimeter is described with an internal vol. of 5 cm3, operable at 30-380 K. One of the main advantages of this calorimeter over others in use is the shorter down time during sample changes, due ...
  • Becke's virial exciton model gives accurate charge-transfer excitation energies 

    Feng, Xibo, Becke, Axel, Johnson, Erin. (2018). Becke's virial exciton model gives accurate charge-transfer excitation energies. J. Chem. Phys. 149, 231101 (2018).
  • Bis[Pyrrolyl Ru(II)] Triads: a New Class of Photosensitizers for Metal-Organic Photodynamic Therapy 

    Smithen, D. A., Monro, S., Pinto, M., Roque III, J. A., Diaz-Rodriguez, R. M., Yin, H., ... & Yin, H. (2020). Bis [Pyrrolyl Ru (II)] Triads: a New Class of Photosensitizers for Metal-Organic Photodynamic Therapy.
    A new family of ten dinuclear Ru(II) complexes based on the bis[pyrrolyl Ru(II)] triad scaffold, where two Ru(bpy)2 centers are separated by a variety of organic linkers, was prepared to evaluate the influence of the ...
  • BODIPYs with Chalcogenophenes at Boron: Synthesis and Properties. Postprint 

    BODIPYs with Chalcogenophenes at Boron: Synthesis and Properties Jacob W. Campbell, Matthew T. Tung, Katherine N. Robertson, Andrew A. Beharry, and Alison Thompson The Journal of Organic Chemistry Article ASAP DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.3c00708
    Reported herein are the synthesis and characterization of BODIPYs bearing heterocycles at boron. To synthesize this series, various chalcogenophenes (furan, thiophene, selenophene, and tellurophene) were lithiated and then ...
  • Bridging and Conformational Control of Porphyrin Units through Non-Traditional Rigid Scaffolds 

    Grover, Nitika; Locke, Gemma M.; Flanagan, Keith J.; Beh, Michael H. R.;Beh, Thompson, Alison; and Senge, Mathias O. (2019). Bridging and Conformational Control of Porphyrin Units through Non-Traditional Rigid Scaffolds. Chemistry: A European Journal, 26,11.
    Connecting two porphyrin units in a rigid linear fashion, without any undesired electron delocalization or communication between the chromophores, remains a synthetic challenge. Herein, a broad library of functionally ...
  • Bridging and Conformational Control of Porphyrin Units through Non-Traditional Rigid Scaffolds 

    Grover, N., Locke, G. M., Flanagan, K. J., Beh, M. H., Thompson, A., & Senge, M. O. (2020). Bridging and Conformational Control of Porphyrin Units through Non‐Traditional Rigid Scaffolds. Chemistry–A European Journal.
    Connecting two porphyrin units in a rigid linear fashion, without any undesired electron delocalization or communication between the chromophores, remains a synthetic challenge. Herein, a broad library of functionally ...