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ITANIUM: System Transformation for US-based Health Claim Adjudication




Dissanayake, Gayathri

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As a partial requirement of MHI program at Dalhousie University, the author had the opportunity to join Keane Canada Inc Halifax, Nova Scotia where the author worked for Tufts: one of the leading insurance companies in USA. The author was involved in the Tufts ITANIUM project and did quality assurance testing. TUFTS Master is the major claim adjudication engine for Tufts and currently runs on HP9000 Unix server. The ITANIUM project is a system transformation from HP9000 Unix server (PA-Risc 32 bit processor) to a more sustainable new integrity UNIX server (64 bit processor) called ITANIUM. Lack of system support from Hewlett Packard (HP) after 12/31/2013 is main reason for this new system implementation. To have a smooth transition during this new system implementation, there was a need to test the functionality of code running on two different servers. The ITANIUM project was divided in to two major parts according to its functionality in TUFTS Master system. TUFTS-B is the reporting system for TUFTS Master and carries more than 5,000 validations. During these TUFTS-B validations the testing team evaluated the stability of codes running on two different servers. This stage of ITANIUM project went live on August 8th2010. The new TUFTS Master reporting system is being called ITUFTS-B. TUFTS-A is the production box which deals with real-time data and is directly connected to TUFTS Master screens. Routing claims are processed through this engine; an average over 200,000 claims is processed every week. During the TUFTS-A system transformation there are over 10,000 validation points to be checked and expected to go live on February 13th 2011. Keane Canada Inc. | ITANIUM Project Gayathri Dissanayake - Internship Report 5 COBOL is the coding language being used in this ITANIUM project. Author is aware of COBOL programming language is still used in the legacy applications in the business industry, despite most of the new systems are developed in languages such as Java. Hence author suggests that new business processes of this project to be developed in Java while maintaining the legacy code in COBOL.


Internship report - Summer-Fall 2010


JAVA, Quality assurance testing, Claim adjudication, COBOL
