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Description and Factors of Revaccination among Patients with Previous Adverse Events following Vaccination




Munoz, Caroline

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Background: The Special Immunization Clinic (SIC) Network manages revaccination in patients with prior adverse events following immunization (AEFI). We identified factors associated with physician recommendation for revaccination and patient intention for revaccination among patients with AEFIs. Methods: This was a retrospective observational study of patients assessed at a SIC for prior AEFIs who required revaccination. Physicians performed standardized assessments and provided recommendations. Participant revaccination intentions were captured during the visit. Logistic regression analysis identified factors associated with physician recommendation for revaccination and patient intention for revaccination. Results: From 2013-2019, 588 patients were assessed at a SIC for 627 prior AEFIs. Revaccination was recommended to 513/588 participants and 426/513 intended to be revaccinated. Physician recommendation for revaccination was associated with AEFI type and AEFI severity and participant intent for revaccination was associated with AEFI impact. Conclusions: The results may improve patient counselling around revaccination and revaccination acceptance following an AEFI.



Vaccination, Vaccine safety, Immunization, Adverse events, Revaccination
