Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 15(12), 1936
Medical Society of Nova Scotia
Journal Title
Journal ISSN
Volume Title
Medical Society of Nova Scotia
pp. 605-672
Canadian Medical Association, Canadian Rheumatic Disease Association, Case of hyperthyroidism, graded operations, with post-operative complications of recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis and tetany [Case report] [Title], Case of spinal tumour, A [Case report] [Title], Clinical observations of breast tumours [Title], Colwell, William Gerard, Curry, W. Alan, Digestive System Diseases, Eastern Counties Medical Society, Genital Diseases, Female, Genital Diseases, Male, Giffin, Audley Atwood, Hiltz, Joseph Earle, Intestinal obstruction following acute appendicitis [Case report] [Title], Kinley, Cecil Edwin, Mack, Frank Gordon, Medical Society of Nova Scotia,, Murphy, Arthur L., Narcotics [Title], Neoplasms, New Victoria General Hospital has become a necessity, A, Noble, James Arnold, Peregrinations of a doctor and his "missus" [Title], Pre-sacral sympathectomy for pelvic pain in the female [Title], Prostatic problem, The [Title], Results of the survey re a conjoint fee of $15 for membership in the Medical Society of Nova Scotia and the Canadian Medical Association, for the year 1937, Ross, E.F., Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Spinal conditions [Case report] [Title], Spinal Cord Diseases, Torsion of spermatic cord [Case report] [Title], Vocal Cord Paralysis, Western Nova Scotia Medical Society, Winfield, Gordon A.
Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 15(12), 1936