Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 19(6), 1940
Medical Society of Nova Scotia
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Medical Society of Nova Scotia
pp. 305-356
Accidents, Traffic, Aspects of fatigue and nerve conduction [Title], Burris, Matthew George, Drugs, Carbohydrate--intestinal [Case report] [Title], Dyspepsia, Foster, Major-General G.L., Harris, David Fraser, History, Infant, Premature, Infection with Endameba histolytica wide-spread, Liverpool, N.S., MacAskill, Frederick Graham, MacDonald, Daniel Robert, Malaria map may change in ten years, Maritime Medical Conference, Moncton, April 29 and 30, 1940 [Title], Medical Specialties, Medicine in Literature, Memorandum from Regina and District Medical Society, Military Service, Morris, Lt.-Col. C.H., Mullins, Janet, Murray, D.K., Nervous System, Nervous System Diseases, Number practicing radiology has doubled in seven years [from The Diplomate, Nov. 1939] [Title], Parasitic Diseases, Province wide allergy service suggested [Title], Refrigeration aids treatment of human cancers, Reid, John B, Respiratory Tract Diseases, Routley, T.C., Shakespeare and biological science, Signs and Symptoms, Some Liverpool chronicles: Drugs and druggists, Thyroid extract in apnoeic prematures [Case report] [Title], Weld, C. Beecher, Where is the voice of the C.M.A.? [Title], Wickwire, John Cox
Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 19(6), 1940