Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 36 (4), 1957
Medical Society of Nova Scotia
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Medical Society of Nova Scotia
X-Ray hazards in present day diagnostic radiology [Title], Wakley, J., Vascular emergencies in general surgery [Title], Use of chlorpromazine in ocular surgery [From Medical Abstracts, April 1956] [Title], United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, Tuberculous meningitis in children: a preventable illness [From North Carolina Medical Journal, 17:103-107, March 1956] [Title], Tuberculosis, Surgical Procedures, Operative, Responsibilities of the medical profession in the use of X-Rays and other ionizing radiation [Title], Reduction of radiation exposure in practice at the Victoria General Hospital, Halifax [Title], Radiation Injuries, Radiation, Providing a psychiatric service to a community [Paper delivered at CPHA Meeting, Kentville, N.S., November 9, 1956] [Title], Ophthalmologic Surgical Procedures, Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin, Hospitals, Manchester, J.S., Dietary adjustment as an aid toward lengthening life following coronary occlusion [From Medical Abstracts, April 1956] [Title], Diagnostic Imaging, Dalhousie Medical Research Committee. Clinical Research Meetings, Community Mental Health Services, Cleveland, Eric J., Chlorpromazine, Cardiovascular Diseases, Bruckschwaiger, Otto, Bacterial Infections, Diagnosis and management of rheumatic fever in children [From Medical Abstracts, April 1956] [Title]
Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 36 (4), 1957