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Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 11(5), 1932




Medical Society of Nova Scotia

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Halifax, Medical Society of Nova Scotia



pp. 232-289, img. b&w Contains Printing Error: Pages read from 286-289, 287 and 288 have been omitted.


Advertisements, Advisory Committees, Arrogance and ignorance in medicine, Attitude of Health Professional, Ballem, John Cedric, Benvie, Robert MacLean, Bill aimed at Nova Scotia nurses defeated, Braunstein, M.M., Buzzard, Sir E. Farquhar, Cerebrospinal fluid, Connor, Victor F., Digestive System Diseases, Diverticulitis (Meckel), Education, Nursing, Evolution of public health, The, Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, Griffen, Daniel, Hospitals, Little, Perley R., MacKenzie, Donald John, Mastoiditis, Melvin, George C., Murphy, George H., National health programme, A, Nova Scotia. Department of Public Health, Nurses, Nursing education in Canada, Organization, Medical, Pasteurization, Perforated duodenal ulcer, Poetry, Public Health, Public health and economic depression, Punctuality, Raw verses pasteurized milk, Robb, John M., Royal College of Surgeons, Rural Health, Sanatorium infirmary, Sanatorium, Nova Scotia, Shortage of suitable candidates for Nursing, Spiro, Charles H., State medical problem, The, State Medicine, Tuberculosis, Two interesting mastoiditis cases, Wright, William


Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 11(5), 1932
Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 11(5), 1932
