Database/System Design of Healthy Beginning Program
Dhar, Badal
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Healthy Beginning component is one of the two components of the Building Decision-support through Dynamic Workflow Systems for Health care project which is led by Dr. Wendy MacCaull, professor in the Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science of St. Francis Xavier University. This project aims to collect data on children to perform different assessment on children and provide support to the children and family. A database system is in use which does not participate in decision making, and also do not store all the data that is collected by the PHNs. This project also aims to extract data on children, and women in prenatal and peri-natal phase from other databases around Nova Scotia. To participate properly in decision making all the data collected by the forms/assessment tools should be entered in to database. To extract data, to have an interface to extract data, from other databases around Nova Scotia, it is important to know what are the systems and databases in Nova Scotia and how they are integrated. Existing database system has been studied, limitation has been identified and recommendation has been provided. It is suggested that this system should be converted to a proper relational database management system (RDBMS), MySQL. All data in the data collection forms should be entered, and scheduling and alert should be incorporated. Bar code reader system in entering identification, modification on forms to reduce data error and redundancy has been suggested. To extract data from other sources, different information systems in Nova Scotia, like hospital information system, primary care information system has been studied. After all the study it is suggested that an interface that will connect the HB system with Health Information Access Layer (HIAL) if infoway will allow HB system to extract data from other systems/database. Issues that need to be studied more; issues related to upgrade the existing system have been documented. However, discussion with decision makers and users requirement along with the recommendation suggested should be conducted to make the proposed system an efficient system.
Internship Report - Summer 2008
Assessment of children, Database file production