Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 18(5), 1939
Medical Society of Nova Scotia
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Journal ISSN
Volume Title
Medical Society of Nova Scotia
pp. 237-296
Advertisements, American Congress on Obstetrics and Gynecology, Analgesics and hypnotics as ordered in hospital [from the Canadian Hospital, March, 1939] [Title], Anesthesia, Archibald, Seymour, Bliss, Gerald Courtney Wentworth, Case of lipoid nephrosis treated with Lugol's Iodine [Case report] [Title], Chisholm, A.W., Costs, Hospital, Dagenan M&B 693 in the treatment of lobar pneumonia, A report of ten cases [Case report] [Title], Diphtheria, Doctor gets $20 weekly: ban is cause, Drug Costs, Eaton, Elizabeth C., Eaton, R.B., Endotracheal anaesthesia and ear, nose and throat surgery [Title], Gardner, William S, Gilchrist, W. Sidney, Granville, Frederick Joseph, Halifax City grit and guts [Title], Halifax Medical Society, Hand-Schuler-Christian syndrome [Case report] [Title], Humour, Langille, James A., Leprosy, Lugol's Iodine, MacRae, D.M., Medical Missionaries, Medical Council of Canada, Medical Society of Nova Scotia, Moore, Willis Bryant, Nova Scotia. Department of Public Health, Palliation in radiation therapy [Title], Price, R.E., Radiotherapy, Reminiscences, Respiratory Tract Diseases, Seven years of leper work in Angola [Excerpts from "Seven Years of Leper Work in Angola"] [Title], Some rambling remarks upon medical practice on Chignecto Isthmus sixty years ago [Title], Stuart, Charles Elmer, Treatment of the septic hand [Title], Tuberculosis survey at North Sydney, Urologic Diseases, Wounds and Injuries
Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 18(5), 1939