A Lesson in Climate Change Education: Examining how Climate Change is taught in the Nova Scotia Public School Curriculum
Alber, Barbara
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As young Nova Scotians grow up, they will have to face the negative impacts of climate change in the province, including sea level rise and increasing storm surges. It is therefore important that this demographic be well informed about the causes and consequences of climate change, and how to adapt to these impacts. Climate Change Education (CCE) is an effective tool to communicate this information. Understanding the positive impact that CCE can have on youth in Nova Scotia, this study seeks to identify the way CCE is taught in Nova Scotia, namely by identifying the dominant CCE framework within the Nova Scotia 9-12 curriculum. To do so, the 9-12 curriculum was read, and every instance of CCE was identified. These examples of CCE were sorted based on content into either a Scientific or Interdisciplinary Framework, and these frameworks are then measured by frequency to discern the dominant way climate change is taught in the classroom. This study reveals that the Nova Scotia curriculum teaches CCE from a mainly interdisciplinary framework, but is very well rounded overall, with a near even balance between the two frameworks. This ensures that students receive a well-rounded education regarding climate change. CCE in the curriculum could be improved by undergoing updates, including more CCE overall, and dedicating more individual lessons and full class units to CCE. This would ensure the continued quality of CCE in Nova Scotian public schools.
Alber, B. (2018). A lesson in climate change education: Examining how climate change is taught in the Nova Scotia public school curriculum. College of Sustainability Honours Theses.