Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 18(6), 1939
Medical Society of Nova Scotia
Journal Title
Journal ISSN
Volume Title
Medical Society of Nova Scotia
pp. 297-356
Accidents, Advertisements, Bacterial Infections, Cancer Prevention, Cardiovascular System, Colchester-East Hants Medical Society, Eaton, Foster Fitch, Education, Medical, Faulkner, E.Ross, Folie a deux, Communicated or induced psychoses with case reports [Title], Gilchrist, W. Sidney, History, Holidays, Hospital insurance [Presented before the Valley Medical Society, May, 1939] [Title], Hospitals, Infections of the ear and nose and throat [Title], Insurance, Health, Johnson, Samuel, Leprosy, Life of Sir Charles Tupper [read before the Halifax Medical Society, Halifax, Feb.22, 1939] [Title], MacDonald, John J., MacKay, Murray, Maclellan, E. Kirk, MacMillan, John Lauchlan, Mainland, Donald, Medical Missionaries, Mental Disorders, Nova Scotia. Department of Public Health, Poor Sam [Title], Recent research on the blood supply of the heart [Title], Resuscitation, Resuscitation of the apparently drowned [Reprinted from The Canadian Medical Association Journal, 40, 487-88, 1939] [Title], Scammell, Harold L., Seven years of leper work in Angola, continued from May issue [Excerpts from "Seven Years of Leper Work in Angola"] [Title], Simpson, John Howard Leslie, Stoddard, Carl C., Taylor, C.W., Tupper, Sir Charles, Valley Medical Society, Weir, Andrew Fraser, What should the anatomist teach? [Editorial from British Medical JournaI, May 20, 1939, pp.1038-9] [Title], Yates, Arthur L.
Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 18(6), 1939