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Structural Geology and Deformation Of The Meguma Group At The Northeastern Contact Of The South Mountain Batholith, Halifax Area, Nova Scotia




Bhatnagar, Pradeep

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Structural mapping and petrographic analyses were conducted to document the structural geology and deformation of the Meguma Group country rocks adjacent to the Halifax Pluton of the South Mountain Batholith (SMB) near Halifax, Nova Scotia. Intrusion of the Devonian South Mountain Batholith caused local deformation and metamorphism of the Cambrian-Ordovician Meguma Group. The mapped portion of the SMB-Meguma contact of this study has been subdivided into two parts based on the style of emplacement. Passive emplacement, occurring south of the Williams Lake area, is characterized by regional structures preserved up to the SMB contact (e.g., bedding, cleavage, bedding-cleavage intersection lineations, and minor folds), stoping, and dyking. Evidence that suggests active emplacement, occurring north of the Williams Lake area, includes: the Kearney Lake Transverse Anticline, deflection of bedding and the HalifaxGoldenville contact, steepening of the bedding-cleavage intersection lineations towards the SMB, schistose fabric near the SMB-Meguma contact, sulphide stretching lineations, mineral lineations, boudinaged dykes, and extensional fractures. The transition from deformed country rocks to country rocks with preserved regional structures may represent a change in struc~allevel of the Halifax Pluton from pluton wall to pluton roof. Petrographic analysis has identified pre-to syn-tectonic cordierite, pre- and posttectonic andalusite, and syn- to post-tectonic sillimanite. Subvertical to vertical boudinaged dykes, metamorphic (schistose) fabrics, stretching lineations, mineral lineations, and pulled apart andalusite grains indicate subvertical to vertical stretching of the Meguma Group. The curvature of bedding and the Halifax-Goldenville contact and steepening of bedding-cleavage intersection lineations and increase in strain towards the SMB, are consistent with downwards movement of the Meguma Group. Granite filled extensional fractures indicate a shear sense of granite (SMB) side down. A subvertical to vertical simple shear zone accommodates both the downward movement of the granite and the downward movement of the country rocks. Lopolith emplacement by floor depression is a possible emplacement model for the SMB. This study proposes that the change in style of emplacement, deformation, and downwards displacement of the country rock, are related to the various modes of emplacement of the SMB which may change with time and different structural levels of the batholith. Key Words: South Mountain Batholith, Halifax Pluton, granite, lopolith, emplacement, Meguma Group, country rocks, deformation, metamorphism, vertical extension, downward movement, floor depression, extensional fractures


