Evaluating the Effect of a Diluent Composed of Biodiesel and Diesel on the Efficacy of the Wood Preservative Creosote
Walker, Kathleen
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The goal of this project was to evaluate the effect of a diluent as a co-solvent in the wood preservative creosote. The diluent was composed of 80% soybean biodiesel and 20% petroleum diesel. Three main experiments were completed to meet this goal. One was a fungal analysis to investigate the effect of the diluent on the efficacy of creosote against wood decay caused by white - rot and brown - rot wood decay fungi. No significant weight loss of the wood blocks occurred when the diluent was present. Another was to quantify the naphthalene present as an odor indicator in creosote by analyzing headspace gas. The results showed that there was a significant decrease when the diluent was added. The last was to investigate leaching of creosote components from treated wood. Results proved to meet environmental regulations. Overall, the results indicated that the diluent had no negative effects on creosote.
Creosote, Biodiesel, Wood Preservation, Wood Decay, PAH, Naphthalene, TPH