Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 15(11), 1936
Medical Society of Nova Scotia
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Medical Society of Nova Scotia
pp. 541-604
Best, Charles H., Campbell, Peter Smythe, Cost Effectiveness, Dementia praecox--a mental hygiene problem [Title], Diphtheria, Eaton, Foster Fitch, Effler, L.R., Endocrine Glands, Endocrine System Diseases, Frothingham, Channing, Goodwin, W.V., Graham, J. Wallace, Health inspection, Insulin, MacDougall, John George, MacIntosh, J.W., Medical efficiency: Dr. Effler urges that the "trimmings' be eliminated and only the essentials provided in medical care [from Country Doctor [Title], Medical Society of Nova Scotia, Memorandum on Diphtheria toxoid [Title], Murray, Kerr Douglas, Musculoskeletal Physiology, Nova Scotia Hospitals approved by the American College of Surgeons, Philadelphia and the Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons [Title], Posture [Title], Present status of endocrine therapy, The [Delivered September 2, 1936, to the Refresher Course at Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S.][Title], Protamine insulin [Title], Provincial Association of Medical Health Officers, Scarlet fever [Title], Stewart, John M., Vaccines
Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 15(11), 1936