A Physics Based Model with an Ankle/Hip Controller for Predicting Motion Induced Interruptions
Nickerson, James
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Ship motions can greatly impact a person's ability to perform their duties at sea. One metric that can be used to measure this is called a Motion Induced Interruption (MII). An MII occurs when a person stops performing their task to readjust their balance or brace themselves against falling. An increase in the number of MIIs encountered will decrease safety and efficiency of a ship and its crew.
This thesis presents a physics based model that can predict MIIs in both the sagittal and frontal planes. It uses a Reaction Mass Pendulum (RMP) model derived from an inverted pendulum.
To validate the MIIs predicted by the RMP model, motion capture data from a recent sea trial was used. The trial data provided the actual MII times for eight sailors and these MII times were compared to values predicted by the RMP model.
Motion Induced Interruption, MII, Physics Based Controller