Charting Future Ocean Law And Policy Directions; Examining Canada's Tools for Marine Protection Through Two Pacific Coast Case Studies
Bent, James Lucas
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Much of Canada’s identity has been shaped by the important socio-cultural, economic, and recreational opportunities offered by the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic oceans. However, continual growth in these areas are increasing the pressures placed on ocean spaces through environmental degradation, and climate change which may threaten future sustainable growth, and the biodiversity and ecological integrity of marine ecosystems. The government of Canada has stated the goal of conserving 25% of its ocean estate by 2025, and 30% by 2030. Using two case studies from Canada’s Pacific Ocean, Robson Bight (Michael Bigg) Ecological Reserve (RBMBER) and Swiftsure Bank, this paper reviews Canadas area-based protection laws and policies. The paper begins with an introduction to the case studies, and the limited protection tools in place at each. This is followed by an analysis of existing area-based protection policies, and possible future application of some within the areas of RBMBER and Swiftsure Bank. Lastly, this paper outlines future ocean policy and law directions which would indirectly benefit both case studies, and directly benefit Canada in meeting its goals to conserve ocean resources beyond 2030.
Key Words: marine conservation policy, marine protected area, Aichi Target 11, conservation planning, marine governance
Bent, J.L. 2022. Charting Future Ocean Law And Policy Directions; Examining Canada’s Tools For Marine Protection Through Two Pacific Coast Case Studies [graduate project]. Halifax, NS: Dalhousie University.