Synthesis of Diazaphospholenes for Improved Catalysis
Welsh, Erin Norah
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Diazaphospholene (DAP) synthesis and reactivity has been emerging over the last two
decades. Recently, DAPs have been employed as catalysts for asymmetric reduction
transformations. Specifically in the Speed group we use DAP catalysts for asymmetric
reduction of imines. This thesis provides a comprehensive overview of the synthetic
procedures employed to manipulate the substituents surrounding the DAP scaffold. The
subsequent investigation involved testing each isolated DAP compound to assess its
enhanced reactivity and selectivity in imine reduction.
Initially, the objective was to produce DAP variants with different substituents around
the stereogenic centre, specifically larger aryl or alkyl groups that offer increased steric
hindrance. We hypothesized that these bulkier substituents would establish a more
restrictive stereochemical environment around the phosphorus centre, thereby improving
enantioselectivity. However, this led to only one DAP variant that had comparable
reactivity and selectivity to the current best DAP.
The synthesis of DAPs containing larger aryl or alkyl groups around the stereogenic
centre led to more efficient syntheses of 1-dibenzothiophene derivatives and 3-
bromonaphthothiophene as starting materials for additional DAP derivatives. However,
neither DAPs were fruitful for improved reactivity or selectivity for imine reduction.
Considering the limited success achieved when modifying the substituents around the
stereogenic centre, it became apparent that exploring alternative strategies was necessary.
Consequently, attention was shifted towards alternating the backbone of the DAP scaffold.
This led to a more rigid DAP that has shown improved enantioselectivity for imine
reduction to make acyclic and exocyclic amines.
Synthesis, Asymmetric, Pharmaceuticals, Catalysis, Efficient, Diazaphospholene, Reduction, Organic Chemistry