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Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 15(2), 1936




Medical Society of Nova Scotia

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Medical Society of Nova Scotia



pp. 61-114


Anesthesia, Blackadar, Ross Livingston, Carroll, James Joseph, Case of general peritonitis, A [Case report] [Title], Case of spasmodic torticollis, A [Case report] [Title], Chisholm, Duncan MacIntosh, Curry, W. Alan, Curtis, Edgar Marshall, Diphtheria, Dr. Frederick Ernest Lawlor and Muriel Lawlor, his Wife [Title], Faecal impaction [Case report] [Title], Federation with the Canadian Medical Association [Title], Halifax City Board of Health, Health insurance or free medicine? [Title], Immunization Programs, Inoculation of school children at New Waterford to immunize against Diphtheria,, Lawlor, F.E., Local anaesthesia for radical mastectomy [Case report] [Title], MacDonald, H.K., MacDougall, John George, MacLeod, J.R.B., Mader, Victor Owen, Management of head injuries, The [Title], Medical Society of Nova Scotia. Halifax Branch, Movement Disorders, Murphy, Arthur L., Newfoundland, Noble, James Arnold, Patent and proprietary medicines [Title], Quackery, Ross, E.F., Scammell, Harold L., Septic meningitis [Case report] [Title], Signs and Symptoms, Digestive, Some observations of Benjamin Gooch [Title], Some recent advances in surgery [Title], State Medicine, Vascular and vaso-motor disturbances of the extremities [Delivered before the Halifax Medical Society, January 29, 1936] [Title], Weld, C. Beecher


Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 15(2), 1936
