Evaluation of cricket meal (Gryllus sigillatus) and black soldier fly larvae meal (Hermetia illucens) when incorporated in broiler chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) diets
Fisher, Holly
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Protein is vital for animal growth and health, making it one of the key nutrients for formulating broiler chicken diets. Insect feeds, such as cricket meal (CM, Gryllus sigillatus) and black soldier fly larvae meal (BSFLM, Hermetia illucens) have potential as protein alternatives to current feed sources, like soybean meal. The nutritional composition of insects could be influenced by rearing conditions, processing, and type of insect. This study investigated the nutrient profile, digestibility, and metabolizable energy of oven-dried and freeze-dried CM, and BSFLM when fed to broiler chickens. The effects of varying dietary inclusion levels of CM, on the growth parameters, health, and meat quality of broiler chickens were examined. The results indicate that oven-dried CM is favourable in comparison to BSFLM, due to its nutritional composition and digestibility, and that CM can successfully be incorporated into broiler diets at an inclusion rate of up to 20% with no detrimental impacts.
Cricket, Broiler chicken, Entomophogy, Nutrition, Digestibility