First detections of FIRBACK sources with SCUBA
Scott, Douglas
Lagache, Guilaine
Borys, Colin
Chapman, Scott C.
Halpern, Mark
Sajina, Anna
Ciliegi, Paolo
Clements, David L.
Dole, Herve
Oliver, Sebastian
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The FIRBACK (Far InfraRed BACKground) survey represents the deepest extensive 170 micron images obtained by the ISO satellite. The sources detected comprise about 10% of the Cosmic IR Background (CIB) seen by COBE, and, importantly, were observed at a wavelength near the peak of the CIB. Detailed follow-up of these sources should help pin down the redshifts, Hubble types, and other properties of the galaxies which constitute this background. We have used the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) instrument on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) to search for sub-mm emission from a sample of 10 galaxies which are bright at 170 microns and for which we had accurate radio positions. Statistically we detect this sample at both 450 microns (~4 sigma) and 850 microns (~ 7 sigma); individual objects are convincingly detected in four cases at 850 microns, and one case at 450 microns. Fits to simple spectral energy distributions suggest a range of low to moderate redshifts, perhaps z=0 to 1.5 for this FIRBACK sub-sample.
Scott, Douglas, Guilaine Lagache, Colin Borys, Scott C. Chapman, et al. 1999. "First detections of FIRBACK sources with SCUBA." Astronomy and Astrophysics 357:L5