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Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 11(12) 1932




Medical Society of Nova Scotia

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Halifax, Medical Society of Nova Scotia



pp. 692-752, img. b&w


Advertisements, Case Report, Cavanagh, James V., Christmas, City of Sydney Hospital T.B. Annex, Cochrane, Wilfred Northup, Colchester-Hants Medical Society, Collecting agencies, Decrease in paying patients, Densmore, James Douglas, Dickens, Charles, Eastern Counties Medical Society, Farish, George William Tooker, Good Old Sanatorium, Health Publicity in Newspapers, Hill, L.L., Hospitals, Kent, John Bryden, Lahey Clinic Publications, The, MacDonald, Hugh N., MacDonald, R.F., Macneill, John R., McKiggan, John, McLeod, John Knox, McLeod, M.G., Mead Johnson and Company, Medical Society of Nova Scotia, Mental Health, Munro, John Alexander, Munro, J.S., Murphy, G. Harold, Murphy, G.H., Neoplasms, Norwood, Robert, Nova Scotia. Department of Public Health, Nova Scotia Mental Hygiene Society, Ontario copies Nova Scotia, Peace Prizes vs. War, Poetry, Role of Alcohol in the Etiology of Nephritis, Royal College of Surgeons of England, Sanatorium, Smith, Carl H., State medical problem, State Medicine, Stewart, Dugald, Symposium British Medical Centenary: A Condensed Report, Symposium British Medical Centenary, Symposium British Medical Centenary: What I Saw and Did, Walker, Smith Layton


Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 11(12) 1932
Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 11(12), 1932
Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 11(12) 1932
