Reactivate and Reconnect: A Strategy for the Reintegration of an Abandoned Military Community
Wierstra, Kaitlin
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This architectural design thesis proposes the adaptive
re-use of 82 walk-up apartment blocks located in
Shannon Park, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. The
uniform military housing community, abandoned in 2004,
is reintegrated back into the surrounding neighbourhood
network through a series of interventions at several
scales. The new neighbourhood will provide housing
for the population influx expected as a result of the
acquisition of a significant shipbuilding contract. Because
the expected influx is temporary, the development must
be able to easily fit into the existing urban fabric. A
series of strategic design interventions will transform the
monotonous, desolate site into a varied community with
strong neighbourhood identity.
Identity, Connectivity, Neighbourhood, Adaptive Reuse, Military,