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Performance characteristics of a novel liquid-liquid contactor.




El-Ali, Mohammed Salem M.

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Dalhousie University



This thesis investigates the performance characteristics of a novel liquid-liquid contactor that employs woven screens as static mixing elements. The drag coefficient for single-phase flow was determined and compared to data reported in the literature. This showed that there is a relatively large discrepancy between the experimental data and the reported correlations, particularly for high fractional screen open area. Introduction of the dispersed phase to the main flow causes the drag coefficient to deviate slightly from its original value. The highest turbulence intensities and energy dissipation rates were found to occur immediately behind the screen and falls sharply with increasing downstream distance.
At 0.5% holdup, d32 was found to decrease logarithmically with the increasing superficial velocity with an exponent value of -1.15 to -1.40. Much lower dependence was obtained at 4% holdup. It was also found to vary exponentially with the energy dissipation rate with an exponent value of -0.42 and -0.26 at 0.5% and 4% holdups respectively. d32 was found to decrease with the increasing dispersed phase holdup, a result proposes that screen wires exert a cutting action on drops. Under fully developed turbulent conditions, the average drop size was found to correlate with the jet Weber number with an exponent value of -0.75 and -0.34 at 0.5% and 4% holdups respectively. The mean drop size was found to decrease with increasing surfactant concentration and to correlate using the equilibrium interfacial tension, the Marangoni number and surface excess.
d32 generated in this static mixer was satisfactorily correlated by, d32=0.302Re1.38jet We-1.05jetf -0.084bM 0.349 while the maximum gable drop size achievable in this contactor Lactor was well correlated by, dmax=1.66s0.63 -0.53r-0.6.
The variance of the resultant drop size distributions decreases with the increasing superficial velocity, the Weber number and the Jet Weber number. It was also found to vary with the jet Weber number exponentially with an exponent value of -3.74 under fully developed turbulent flow conditions. No single distribution could fit the normalized drop number density distributions. Cumulative drop volume density distributions were found to exhibit self-similarity and to be well represented by the normal distribution. For a p value of zero, the Rod and Misk (1982) model can predict the average equilibrium drop size well. It was also found to predict reasonably well the generated cumulative drop size distributions.
The efficiency of energy utilization achievable in this contactor was satisfactorily correlated by, h=107.15f1.40U-0.38a 1.11. Screen mixing elements were found capable of generating much higher interfacial areas when compared with other static mixers and mechanically agitated tanks.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Dalhousie University (Canada), 2001.


Engineering, Chemical.
