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High resolution laser excitation and dispersed fluorescence spectroscopy of the alkaline earth monohydroxides: The low-lying electronic states of the calcium hydroxide/calcium deuteroxide and strontium hydroxide radicals.




Presunka, Paul Ivan.

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Dalhousie University



Dispersed laser-induced fluorescence from the $\tilde A\sp2\Pi$ state of CaOH and CaOD has been utilized to observe the fine structure associated with the excited vibrational levels ($v\sb1$,0,0) with $v\sb1\ \leq$ 4 of the ground $\tilde X\sp2\Sigma\sp+$ state. In addition, the $\tilde A\sp2\Pi$(100) $\sim\ \tilde A\sp2\Pi$(020) Fermi resonance interaction has been exploited to provide access to both the $\ell = 0$ and $\ell = 2$ components of the $\tilde X\sp2\Sigma\sp+$(020) vibrational level via a perturbation-facilitated approach. This work provides the first detailed spectroscopic constants for excited vibrational levels in the $\tilde X\sp2\Sigma\sp+$ states of CaOH and CaOD.
The $\tilde B\sp2\Sigma\sp+ - \tilde X\sp2\Sigma\sp+$ system of SrOH has been investigated using Doppler-limited laser excitation and dispersed fluorescence. Bending vibrational levels with $v\sb2\leq2$ of both electronic states have been rotationally analyzed. The effects of a weak $\ell$-type resonance between the $\Sigma$ and $\Delta$ components of the $v\sb2$ = 2 vibrational level were observed and the off-diagonal matrix elements were evaluated in a case (b) basis.
Sub-Doppler intermodulated fluorescence and Doppler-limited excitation spectra of the $2\sbsp{0}{1}$ and $2\sbsp{1}{1}$ bands in the $\tilde A\sp2\Pi-\tilde X\sp2\Sigma\sp+$ system of SrOH have enabled the observation of all Renner-Teller components associated with the $\tilde A\sp2$II(010) level. A strong perturbation due to a K-resonance crossing of the $\mu\sp2\Sigma\sp{(+)}$ and $\sp2\Delta\sb{3/2}$ vibronic components is observed. All measured line positions have been included in a complete deperturbation analysis of the $v\sb2$ = 1 moiety that takes account explicitly of Renner-Teller, spin-orbit, $\Lambda$-type doubling and $\ell$-type doubling interactions. The results include the first reliable estimate of the Renner-Teller parameter for SrOH ($\epsilon$ = $-$0.0791). In addition, a high resolution investigation of the $\tilde A\sp2\Pi$(100) $\leftarrow\ \tilde X\sp2\Sigma\sp+$(000) band combined with rotationally resolved dispersed flourescence spectra of the $1\sbsp{1}{1},\ 1\sbsp{2}{1},\ 2\sbsp{1}{1},\ 2\sbsp{2}{1},$ and $2\sbsp{3}{1}$ bands provides accurate rotational and vibrational constants for the $\tilde A\sp2\Pi$ and $\tilde X\sp2\Sigma\sp+$ states of SrOH.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Dalhousie University (Canada), 1994.


Chemistry, Physical.
