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Bilbao Re-Effect: Container + Contents + Context Architectural Strategies for the 21st Century Art Museum




Friel, Christopher

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Throughout the history of art museums and galleries, the container, its contents, and the surrounding context, have retained a tuneful relationship; yet, in 20th century we witness a major shift, with the container taking centre stage, often to the detriment of the art and community. This thesis looks at this historical transformation, as a way to understand today’s polarizing container vs contents debate and embarks on an in-depth analysis of case studies throughout the western hemisphere, culminating into an architectural strategy, in pursuance of a ‘productive tension’ between Container + Contents + Context. The architectural proposal for this thesis is a new building for the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, situated on the Halifax waterfront—the precise site of first settlement, and centre of the downtown core.



Art, Architecture, Container, Contents, Context, Tension
