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Parent and Early Childhood Educator Perceptions of Physical Health and Well-being in the Early Years




Morris, Sarah

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Early childhood development is a determinant of health. Parents and early childhood educators (ECEs) have an important role in influencing development during this timeframe. The Early Development Instrument (EDI) is widely used to measure development at school entry. In Nova Scotia, children are considered vulnerable in the Physical Health and Well-being (PHW) domain of the EDI. The study qualitatively explored parent and ECE perceptions of PHW and identified similarities and differences between parent and ECE perceptions, in the context of the EDI description of PHW. Through phone interviews with parents, and with ECEs working with four-year-olds in regulated child care across Halifax, three primary themes were identified, revealing some similarities and differences between perceptions of PHW, in the context of the EDI description of PHW it would be important to 1) use consistent terminology of developmental domains and 2) inform parents and ECEs of developmental expectations prior to school entry.



Physical health, Well-being, Early years, Perceptions
