Building On Controversy : Developing Architectural Dialogues on Controversial Sites
This thesis explores how controversial sites that are in stasis, like the old memorial library
in Halifax, can be transformed into architecture. As the public becomes more involved
in architectural design process the occurrence of sites in stasis like the Old Memorial
library are increasing. Through the perspective that buildings are not passive objects,
but collections of historic, political, social, and contemporary actors, buildings become
autonomous actors that must be engaged with directly.
Methods that engage with the site as an autonomous agent can transform the controversy
into an architectural response. Using traditional and contemporary techniques, The actors
of the controversy are collected and analysed to defining moments. New moments are
generated using architecture as the mediator, and the actors recollected and re-analysed,
to defined new narrative moments. Through these steps, the controversy is transformed
into an architectural response, one of many potentials.