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dc.contributor.authorGillis, Roger
dc.descriptionWith massive amounts of information being shared online, many often have questions about how they can go about re-using material that they find online. Creative Commons-licensed works are an alternative to traditional copyright-protected works that operate under an “Some rights reserved” model rather than an “All rights reserved” model where permission to use the work is explicitly given by the creator or copyright owner. This session will look at Creative Commons licensed material: what it is, what the different elements of Creative Commons licenses are, where to find Creative-Commons licensed material, and how to apply it to your own work. By the end of this session, participants will: Have a basic understanding of Creative Commons licenses and how they work Be exposed to the different types of Creative Commons licenses and how they affect the re-use of a work Learn strategies for finding and using Creative Commons-licensed material for use in their worken_US
dc.titleCreative Commons: What, Where, Why, & How?en_US
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