Volume 32, Issue 2
The Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada is a learned society devoted to the examination of the role of the built environment in Canadian society. Its membership includes structural and landscape architects, architectural historians and planners, sociologists, ethnologists, and specialists in such fields as heritage conservation and landscape history. Founded in 1974, the Society is currently the sole national society whose focus of interest is Canada’s built environment in all of its manifestations. The Journal of the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, published twice a year, is a refereed journal.
Recent Submissions
Call for papers
(The Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, 2007) -
Guide for Authors
(The Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, 2007) -
Martin Eli Weil Prize: call for candidacies
(The Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, 2007) -
Gaspard-Joseph Chaussegros de Lery (1682-1756)
(The Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, 2007) -
Picturing Modernity: Exploring the Architecture of Pleasure in 1930s North Toronto
(The Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, 2007) -
Le reve est-il patrimonial? Histoire des aspirations identitaires pour le secteur de l'ilot Voyageur a Montreal
(The Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, 2007) -
Percy Nobbs and the Memorial Garden at Grand Pre
(The Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, 2007) -
Les mutations des traits de Ia montreafite contemporaine: le cas des couronnements architecturaux
(The Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, 2007) -
La Cite de Ia mode de Montreal. Une reprise projetee
(The Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, 2007) -
Phyllis-Lambert prize: call for candidacies
(The Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, 2007) -
Table of Contents
(The Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, 2007)