Results Per Page:

Now showing items 431-530 of 14098

Arionidae (1)
Arisaig (5)
Arisaig (Nova Scotia) (1)
Armstrong (1)
Armstrong, Donald B. (1)
Armstrong, James W. (1)
Armstrong, John B. (1)
Armstrong, Melbourne Edward (2)
Armstrong, Thomas (1)
Around the Willow Tree (5)
Around the Willow Tree [Title] (1)
Arrogance and ignorance in medicine (1)
Arrowheads (3)
Arsenic (1)
Arsenic poisoning (1)
Arsenical dermatitis with exfoliation [Case report] [Title] (1)
Artesia of vagine (1)
Arthritis, psoriasis, steroid hormones and bacteria [Title] (1)
Arthropoda (3)
Arthur Frederick Miller [Title] (1)
Article abstracts (1)
Articular manifestations of systemic diseases [Presented at Post-graduate Course in Medicine, March 26-29, 1956] [Title] (1)
As others see us [Title] (2)
Asaphus ditmarsiae (2)
Ascomycetes (1)
Asepsis (1)
Ashbourne (Nova Scotia) (1)
Asiatic flu [Title] (1)
Aspects of fatigue and nerve conduction [Title] (1)
Asphalt (1)
Asphyxia (1)
Aspidium spinulosum (1)
Aspiration, incision or excision: Preoperative irradiation (1)
Aspirin poisoning [Case report] [Title] (1)
Assistance to Medical Students (1)
Associated Medical Services Incorporated (1)
Association of Workmen's Compensation Boards of Canada (1)
Association, Digby, N.S., July 1939] [Title] (1)
Aster laevis (1)
Asthma [Paper given at Dalhousie Refresher Course, Halifax, N.S., October 11, 1943] [Title] (1)
Astronomy (2)
astronomy (3)
Astronomy -- Mathematics (1)
Atelectasis of the lung caused by aspiration of opaque foreign body [Case report] (1)
Aterman, Kurt (2)
Atherosclerosis, diet and stress [Given at the 6th Annual Meeting CPHA, Atlantic Branch, November 9, 1957] [Title] (1)
Atkinson, E.P. (1)
Atlantic Canada (1)
Atlantic Coast (America) (1)
Atlantic Coast (Canada) (9)
Atlantic cod (2)
Atlantic herring (1)
Atlantic herring fisheries (1)
Atlantic menhaden (1)
Atlantic Ocean (6)
Atlantic Provinces (11)
Atlantic Provinces look ahead, The [Talk by guest speaker at President's banquet, Annual Meeting MSNS, 1957] [Title] (1)
Atlantic rock crab (1)
Atlantic salmon (1)
Atlantic salmon--Nova Scotia (1)
Atlantic Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (2)
Atlee, H. B. (1)
Atlee, Howard Benge (35)
Atmospheric physics (2)
Atmospheric pressure (2)
Atom Smasher and cancer (1)
Atomic weights (2)
Atresia vaginae (1)
Attitude of Health Professional (1)
Atypical case of appendicitis, A [Case report] [Title] (1)
Atypical pneumonia found related to pneumonia in cats [from The Diplomate, February, 1943] [Title] (1)
Aucoin, E.L. (1)
Augustus Robinson, M.D., M.R.C.S., L.S.A. (Part 2) [Title] (1)
Augustus Robinson, M.D., M.R.C.S., L.S.A. [Title] (1)
Auld, Robert Waldron (2)
Aurora borealis (1)
Auroras (1)
auroras (1)
Automobile Accidents (1)
Automobile Driving (1)
Automobiles (2)
Autopsy (1)
Avard, C. MacQ. (1)
Avery, Anne M. (1)
Avicenna 980A.D.-1037A.D. (1)
Avulsion of scrotum and skin of penis [Case report] [Title] (1)
Awards and Prizes (4)
Axes (1)
Aylesford (1)
Azoxybenzene (1)
B.C.G. [from Medical Abstracts, May 1956] [Title] (1)
B.M.A. - C.M.A. Meeting, Edinburgh, July 18-24, 1959 (1)
B.M.A. Centenary (1)
Babcock, W. Wayne (1)
Babkin, B.P. (2)
Bacillus (1)
Bacillus coli communis (1)
Bacon, Hugh M. (2)
Bacteria (3)
Bacterial diagnosis in the diarrhoeas [Title] (1)