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dc.contributor.authorRussell, D.W.
dc.contributor.authorGillis, H.A.
dc.identifier.citationRussell, D.W., Gillis, H.A. (1986). Disiloxanes and other artifacts from a reversed-phase high pressure liquid chromatography identified by mass spectrometry. Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, 37(1), 13-19.
dc.descriptionIncludes b&w ill., b&w charts, bibliographic referencesen_US
dc.description.abstractWhen a mixture of hydrophobic compounds was separated by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, one product was heavily contaminated with a mixture of long-chain alkyldisloxanes. These compounds, together with silanols, silyl ethers, and poly(dimethylsiloxanes), were formed by hydrolysis of the bonded phase.
dc.description.abstractQuand un mélange de composés hydrophobiques a été séparé par la chromatographie liquide à haute performance en phase inverse un des produits a été fortement contaminé par un mélange des disiloxanes alkyles à chaînes longues. Ces composés, ainsi que les silanols, les ethères silylés, et les poly(diméthylesiloxanes), ont été formés par l’hydrolyse de la phase stationnaire.
dc.publisherDalhousie Printing Centre
dc.subjectMass spectrometry
dc.subjectNova Scotia
dc.titleDisiloxanes and other artifacts from a reversed-phase high pressure liquid chromatography identified by mass spectrometryen_US
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