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dc.contributor.authorViirre, Erik
dc.contributor.authorBaylis, Françoise
dc.contributor.authorDownie, Jocelyn
dc.identifier.citationViirre, E., Baylis, F., & Downie, J. (2007). Promises and perils of cognitive performance tools: A dialogue. Technology 11, Supplement 1, 9-25. doi: 10.3727/107292408786938853en_US
dc.description.abstractCognitive performance tools are evolving and their application is expanding rapidly. Although these tools promise significant advantages, they also raise a number of significant ethical and social concerns. This paper first provides an overview of various cognitive performance tools. Subsequently, there is a dialogue between Viirre on the one hand and Baylis and Downie on the other. Together, they explore the promises and perils of cognitive performance tools available now, or in the near future (perhaps within the next ten to twenty years). The authors conclude there are potential benefits with the development and use of cognitive performance tools. Care must be taken, however, with respect to the ways in which such tools may not serve the interests of individuals and communities.en_US
dc.subjectCognitive performance toolsen_US
dc.titlePromises and perils of cognitive performance tools: A dialogueen_US
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