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dc.contributor.authorGreenan, Marsha F.
dc.descriptionInternship Report - Summer 2011en_US
dc.description.abstractCase costing data is required in order to effectively manage a health care organization such as the Capital District Health Authority. The workload measurement project was initiated because it was information that was missing from the case costing formula. Numerous information systems exist at Capital Health, however, a workload information system was the one piece of the puzzle which was missing in order to produce accurate cost costing information. In March 2011, Capital Health purchased workload measurement software (DynamineTM and DynboardTM ) from Emerald Health Information Systems. At that time, Co-leads were assigned to develop an implementation plan. A Workload Measurement Sub-committee, with representation from across the district, was struck to assist with this implementation plan. When the plan, consisting of the Project Charter, Roll-out Plan and Project Plan were created and approved by the Case Costing Steering Committee, the implementation work was handed over to the Workload Measurement Coordinators. The team members involved in the workload project are numerous, so ongoing and effective communication is extremely important. Various methods of communication are used to keep all members abreast of the project’s development. Many of the health informatics courses contributed to a successful internship, however, there were three which stood out as being extremely useful for this particular internship project: “Project Management for Health Information Projects”, “Knowledge Management” and “Information Flow and Standards”. The internship was a success as the entire project involved health informatics and course work from Dalhousie’s Health Informatics Program were directly applied to the work completed during the internship.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipCapital District Health Authority Halifax, Nova Scotiaen_US
dc.subjectWorkload measurementen_US
dc.subjectCase costing dataen_US
dc.titlePlanning the Implementation of the Workload Measurement System – Emerald’s Dynamine(TM) and Dynaboard(TM)en_US
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