Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 37(7), 1958
Medical Society of Nova Scotia
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Medical Society of Nova Scotia
Vibert, James Charles, Valley Medical Society, Tuberculosis, Treatment of anxiety states with meprobamate [From Medical Abstracts, August 1957] [Title], Roland, Hazel, Rice, Frank Ernst, Reviews, Report on Family Allowances for 1957 [Title], Public Health, Psychotic episodes heralding the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis [From Medical Abstracts, August 1957] [Title], O'Regan, W.P., Nutrition - a public health challenge [Title], Nutrition, Nova Scotia mental health clinics [Reprinted from Canada's Mental Health, June 1958] [Title, Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin, Nova Scotia. Department of Public Health, Noble, James Arnold, Nervous System Diseases, Mental Health Services, Mental Disorders, MacRae, Anne, MacKenzie, Seymour Gourley, MacKenzie, Kenneth Alexander, MacDonald, Austin Alexander, Kinley, Cecil Edwin, Hypoglycemic sulphonylurea [From Medical Abstracts, August 1957] [Title], Hypoglycemic Agents, Graham, Judson Vye, Family Allowance, Evans, E.H., Doucette, Leo Paul, Diphenhydramine hydrochloride as a local anaesthetic agent [From Medical Abstracts, August 1957] [Title], Dietetics of coronary heart disease [from Medical Abstracts August 1957] [Title], Diagnostic Imaging, Coronary thrombosis in general practice [Reprinted from The Practitioner] [Title], Combined corticosteroid and anti-microbial therapy in tuberculosis meningitis [From Medical Abstracts, August 1957] [Title], Chest X-Ray and radiation hazards [Title], Cardiovascular Diseases, Cape Breton Medical Society, Canadian Tuberculosis Association, Canadian Life Insurance Officers Association, Antigonish-Guysborough Medical Society, Anesthetics
Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 37(7), 1958