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dc.contributor.authorRoy, Noemie
dc.description.abstractProtecting coastal ecosystems, livelihoods, and identities require the active engagement of ocean literate citizens. Ocean literacy, or the understanding of the ocean’s influence on us and our influence on the ocean, can be fostered through marine education. Yet, in Canada, marine education falls in a jurisdictional gap, with ocean conservation largely under federal jurisdiction and education under provincial jurisdiction. With little to no ocean literacy in curricula, teachers lack the time and resources to include the ocean in their classroom. Along the St. Lawrence Estuary, a rural community mobilized to save its middle school by developing an innovative program connecting the existing curriculum to the ocean. For instance, students practise physical education by learning scuba diving. My research project explores the rationale, barriers, and enablers to the inclusion of ocean literacy in schools through a case study of this program. I completed interviews and a survey with school community members and found that the program faces considerable barriers that threaten its sustainability, including the lack of an educational framework, educational resources and funding. Support from school community members and access to a program coordinator were the greatest enablers of the program. Students and adults involved in the program gained knowledge about the ocean and took actions to care for the ocean, showing the influence of the program on their ocean literacy. This case study acts as an example of how ocean literacy initiatives, although challenging to implement in schools, can support citizen engagement in coastal management. Keywords: ocean literacy, coastal communities, formal education, whole-school approach, marine citizenship, case study, Quebecen_US
dc.titleFostering Ocean Literacy through Formal Education in Quebec, Canada: A Case Study of Saving a Coastal Schoolen_US
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