Now showing items 9620-9639 of 14098

  • Pangaea 2009 Front Matter 

    Tapper, Joshua; Demers, William E.; Berezin, Jamie; Bradbury, Natalie; Cohen, Madeleine; Dolgoy, Gabrielle; Hug, Crystle; Marchand, Justin; Posen, Jacob; Rochwerg, Adam; Neville, Cynthia; Tillotson, Shirley (Dalhousie University Department of History, 2009)
  • Pangaea 2013 Contributor Biographies 

    Coney, William; Coles, Connor; Hyatt, Craig; Wolofsky, Tamar; Plumptre, Genny; Drover, Nicole; Santacroce, Brenna; MacKinley, Hillary; Oliver, Lindsay (Dalhousie University Department of History, 2013)
  • Pangaea 2013 Front Matter 

    Park, Kate; Ramsden, Daisy; Oliver, Lindsay; Bridge, Jeremy; Coles, Conner; Riordon, Rebecca; Conrod, Stephanie; Sisley, Alex; Kasupski, Sarah; Deutsh, Shoshana; Roberts, Justin; Ramsay, Michael; Mitchell, Jack; Kesselring, Krista; Neville, Cynthia; Kozlov, Denis; Tillotson, Shirley; Marsters, Roger; Jones, Tina; Bleasdale, Ruth (Dalhousie University Department of History, 2013)
  • Pangaea 2020 Back Matter 

    Charlton, Catherine; Clark, Scott; DeJager, Cole; Frawley, Catherine; Hutt, Catherine; MacLaren, Adam; Wakal, Evan; Willner-Fraser, Eleanor; Wygiera, Hannah; Zolkivski, Matthew (Dalhousie University Department of History, 2020)
  • Pangaea 2020 Editor's Introduction 

    Spronk, Jeremy; Becker, Kristen (Dalhousie University Department of History, 2020)
  • Pangaea 2020 Front Matter 

    Becker, Kristen; Spronk, Jeremy; Bolton, Jacob; Scott, Matthew; Van Voorst, Derek; Wakal, Evan; Bell, Christopher M. (Dalhousie University Department of History, 2020)
  • Pangaea 2021 Back Matter 

    Adsett, Connor; Blanchard, Ronald; Boyd, Lucy; Gaudet, Anna; Harrison, Lane; Morton, Gideon; O’Brien, Graham; Paleczny, Amy M.; Rembowski, Alec; Simpkin, Daniel Kirtley; Sivilotti, Francesca; Urquhart, Jamieson; Brechin, Isabel (Dalhousie University Department of History, 2021)
  • Pangaea 2021 Front Matter 

    Brar, Takdeer; Wygiera, Hannah; Brechin, Isabel; Charlton, Catherine; Danais, Natasha; Kennedy, Alex; MacLaren, Adam; Simon, Georgia; Zolkivski, Matthew; Bell, Christopher M. (Dalhousie University Department of History, 2021)
  • Pangaea 2022 Editors Intro 

    Blanchard, Ronald; Carolan, Lucy (Dalhousie University Department of History, 2022)
  • Pangaea 2022 Front Matter 

    Blanchard, Ronald; Carolan, Lucy; Bergeron, Cindy S.; Grey, Megan; Lee, Ai Luan Rosalind; Mercer, Claire; Rembowski, Alec; Stark, Étienne; Urquhart, Jamieson; Wright, Ireland; Bell, Christopher M. (Dalhousie University Department of History, 2022)
  • Pannaria lurida in Atlantic Canada 

    Maass, W.S.G.; Hoisington, B. L.; Harries, H.; Nova Scotian Institute of Science (Dalhousie Printing Centre, 1986)
    The cyanophilic lichen Pannaria lurida has been collected from seventeen localities in southern Nova Scotia and two in southern New Brunswick. Previous reports of this lichen from Quebec are based on ill-identified or ...
  • The Panther's Cache 

    Lane, M. Travis (1969)
  • Papa's Dance 

    Patrick, Rick (2003)
  • Paper by Wm. Gossip, Esq. 

    Gossip, William; Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science (William Gossip, 1885)
  • Paper Crafts and Paper Cuts 

    Machum, Ashley (Dalhousie University. School of Information Management, 2010)
  • Paper Punch Holes 

    Graf, Adele (2010)
  • Paper Wasp/ Deliquesce 

    Rice, Natalie (2019)
  • Para el Mundo: Challenges and opportunities in Mancora, Peru 

    Haverstock, John (Medical Students' Society, Dalhousie University, 2007)
  • The Parade Square 

    Morrison, Harold R.W. (1975)
  • The Paradise 

    Ditsky, John (1976)