Now showing items 301-320 of 386

  • Philip K. Dick: Psichedelici orizzonti, perversi accoppiamenti e nuove alterità  

    De Feo, Linda (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2003)
    In Philip K. Dick's narrative hyper-realism, the description of how artificial beings intensify their natural capacities goes back and forth between drug-inspired hypertrophic suggestions, and the chimerical images that ...
  • CRASH: Metafisica dell'ubiquità  

    Fattori, Adolfo (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2003)
    The culture of the twentieth century is characterized by three industrial products: the cinema, the car and science-fiction. All three relate to the way we experience time and space. In his novel Crash, J.G. Ballard uses ...
  • Lo strano caso del Dr. Jekyll e Mr. Hyde, alle radici della cultura di massa 

    Treanni, Carmine (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2003)
    In the twenty years between 1850 and 1870, there takes place within the cultural sphere the maturation of a conception of the world based on generalized trust in the virtues of science. From Darwin's theories of evolution, ...
  • La narrativa italiana contemporanea e il postumano: Tre esempi (con qualche divagazione) 

    Sorrentino, Piero (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2003)
    This article attempts to identify a general model that would help us to understand and interpret the relationship between Italian literature and what has been called the "post-human". It does so through the analysis of ...
  • L'ultimo upgrade 

    Pellegrini, Valerio (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2003)
    The symbiosis between man and technology is obvious in the robot who is the main character of the movie Bicentennial Man, adapted in 1999 from Isaac Asimov's short story bearing the same title. The humanist search of ...
  • Morphing informatique et hybridation technologique: Des artistes plasticiens à  la recherche de leur double 

    Guillot, Catherine; Roux, Sandrine (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2003)
  • Verso una civiltà  di cyborg? 

    Iannicelli, Gianpaolo (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2003)
    More and more often, nowadays, we hear talk of biotechnology, of contaminations between natural things and technical products, of hybrid creatures, of androids and cyborgs. And as it often happens, when strongly innovative ...
  • Sonhos de Chico Xavier 

    Fernandes, Magali (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2003)
    This article deals with a peculiar figure on the Brazilian scene, an author of spiritualist works known as Chico Xavier (April 1910 - June 2002), and in particular with a passage of his biography, which was widely circulated ...
  • La Chevauchée médiatique de Buffalo Bill 

    Pons, Christian-Marie (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2002)
    This article studies both the story and the legend of Buffalo Bill. It deals with three separate aspects. First, the transition from history (the real adventures of the hero) to literature (their narration in dime-novel ...
  • Séries, suites et redites en culture médiatique 

    Bettinotti, Julia; Jeannesson, Gaelle; Truel, Marie-Francoise (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2002)
    The goal of the authors of this article is to discuss the specific form of repetition that Umberto Eco calls "remake". The serial aspect of remakes is based on the systematic use of processes of repetition that produce ...
  • Une Forte Impression: Récit paralittéraire, imprimé et culture médiatique 

    Bleton, Paul (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2002)
  • Ecrire pour la jeunesse, ou comment voler la vedette à  Super Mario? 

    Demers, Dominique (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2002)
    English: Writing for young people, or How to steal Super Mario's spotlight. What is the nature of the opposition between children's literature and the other media, particularly video games? This article deals with the ...
  • Les Vampires 

    Chazal, Serge (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2002)
    What was the influence of the First World War upon French cinema? This article offers an interpretation of the effects of the conflict on the movie scene of the time, mostly through an analysis of Louis Feuillades' famous ...
  • Les Formes à  épisodes, des structures multi-médiatiques (parallélisme et interaction des ensembles paralittéraires et télévisés) 

    Besson, Anne (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2002)
    English: Serials as multi-media structures (similarities and interactions between paraliterary and TV narratives). TV and popular literature influence each other since they both make use of similar structures, the two kinds ...
  • Homo Sapiens & Homo Globine, ou Les avatars du vampire! 

    Spehner, Norbert (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2002)
    The author offers a guided tour of the innumerable representations of the vampire, in novels as well as in the movies. He deals in particular with the migrations of the vampire from genre to genre and from media to media, ...
  • Chansons d'amour et roman sentimental populaire: Quand l'air ne fait pas la chanson 

    Savoie, Chantal (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2002)
  • La Fiction cyclique, au-delà  des frontières du roman: Asimov, King, Tolkien 

    Besson, Anne (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2002)
    Cyclical fictional universes go beyond the limits of the novel. This first transgression, which is integral to the definition of the cycle itself, provokes what we could call a "will to completeness" in cyclical fiction. ...
  • Medicine in Alexandre Dumas père's The Count of Monte Cristo 

    Murray, Jock (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2002)
    Alexandre Dumas, père, was one of the most prolific writers of all time, with more than 600 books and other writings (no one is sure how many) ranging from romantic historical novels to travel and cook books. Some of his ...
  • Révolte et révolution: Des tigres de Salgari à  ceux de Paco Ignacio Taibo II 

    Letourneux, Matthieu (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2002)
    Mexican author Paco Ignacio Taibo II brings back to life in his novels the character of Sandokan, the Malaysian pirate created by Italian novelist Emilio Salgari in the last decade of the nineteenth century. His appropriation ...
  • Cognitive Mapping im Cyberpunk: Wie Jugendliche Wissen über die Welt erwerben 

    Lohmann, Ingrid (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2002)
    The first part of the article follows Fredric Jameson's analysis of cultural practices in Late Capitalism or Postmodernism. The second part discusses Cyberpunk - already proclaimed dead by some media and literary pundits ...