Now showing items 1-2 of 2

  • Anharmonicity and cross section for absorption of radiation by water dimer 

    Reproduced from Tso, H. C. W., D. J. W. Geldart, and P. Chylek. 1998. "Anharmonicity and cross section for absorption of radiation by water dimer." Journal of Chemical Physics 108(13): 5319-29, with the permission of AIP Publishing.
    We calculate the absorption cross section of water dimer molecules in thermal equilibrium at temperatures typical of the lower atmosphere using quantum mechanical coupled nonlinear equations of motion. Empirical Morse-oscillator ...
  • Infrared water vapor continuum absorption at atmospheric temperatures 

    Reproduced from Cormier, John G., Joseph T. Hodges, and James R. Drummond. 2005. "Infrared water vapor continuum absorption at atmospheric temperatures." Journal of Chemical Physics 122(11), with the permission of AIP Publishing.
    We have used a continuous-wave carbon dioxide laser in a single-mode realization of cavity ring-down spectroscopy to measure absorption coefficients of water vapor at 944 cm-1 for several temperatures in the range 270-315 ...