Now showing items 5362-5381 of 5662

    Use and abuse of blood transfusion in obstetrics, The [Title] [1]
    Use of chlorine to end dishwater menace urged [from Bridgetown Monitor, October 16, 1935] [1]
    Use of chlorpromazine in ocular surgery [From Medical Abstracts, April 1956] [Title] [1]
    Use of CO2 in the treatment of hiccough [1]
    Use of electroencephalography in differentiating psychogenic disorders and organic brain disease [From Medical Abstracts. August 1957] [Title] [1]
    Use of hydrocortisone by local injection, The [From Medical Abstracts, May 1956] [Title] [1]
    Use of injectable hydrocortone in office practice [Title] [1]
    Use of iodized oil in outlining the bronchial tree, The [Title] [1]
    Use of Radium and X-Rays, The [1]
    Use of sera and vaccines for the prevention of some communicable diseases [printed at the request of physicians attending the Dalhousie Refresher Course, 1935] [Title] [1]
    Use of sulfonamides in general medicine, The [Presented at the Annual Meeting of the MSNS, Kentville, July 8, 1943] [Title] [1]
    Use of the 'Lytic Cocktail' with body cooling in a small hospital: a report of three cases [Title] [1]
    Use of the proctoscope in the early detection of lesions of the rectum and colon [Title] [1]
    Usefulness of the serum protein-bound iodine in thyroid disorders [From Medical Abstracts, August 1957] [Title] [1]
    Uses and abuses of bromides, The [Given before the Annual Meeting of the Medical Society of N.S. at White Point Beach, July 6, 1944] [Title] [1]
    Uses and abuses of drugs [Title] [1]
    Uses and abuses of sulphonamides, The [Given at the Annual Meeting of the MSNS at White Point beach, July 6, 1944] [Title] [2]
    Uterine fibroids and pregnancy [Title] [1]
    Utilization and standards of laboratory services [Abstract of talk given to Nova Scotia Hospital Institute, September 1959] [Title] [1]
    Utopia [Title] [1]